Can I filter a collection in Webflow to only display programs that have certain days selected in a multi-reference field?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Yes, you can filter a collection in Webflow to only display programs that have certain days selected in a multi-reference field. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Create a multi-reference field for the days of the week in your Programs collection.
  2. Add the days of the week as options in the multi-reference field.
  3. Go to the Collection List on the page where you want the filtered programs to be displayed.
  4. Click on the Collection List wrapper element and open the Settings panel on the right.
  5. In the Filter tab, select the Programs collection and add a new filter criteria.
  6. In the filter criteria, select the multi-reference field you created for the days of the week.
  7. Choose "contains" as the operator and enter the specific days that you want to filter for.
  8. Save the filter criteria and publish your site.

Now, the Collection List will only display programs that have the selected days in the multi-reference field. This allows you to filter and display specific programs based on the days of the week that are selected.

By using this filter, you can create dynamic and customized lists of programs on your website that match specific criteria. This is a powerful feature in Webflow that allows you to tailor the content displayed on your website based on user preferences or specific requirements.


If you have a Programs collection with a multi-reference field called "Days" that includes options for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and you want to display only programs that have Tuesday selected, you would set the filter criteria as follows:

  • Field: Days
  • Operator: Contains
  • Value: Tuesday

This will filter out any programs that don't have Tuesday selected in the "Days" multi-reference field, and only display programs that meet the filter criteria.

This feature is helpful for websites that have schedules, calendars, or any content that needs to be filtered based on specific criteria such as days of the week.

Additional Question 1: How do I create a multi-reference field in Webflow?
Additional Question 2: Can I have multiple filters applied to a collection list in Webflow?
Additional Question 3: How can I display only programs that have specific tags in Webflow?