Can I embed an Excel file from Google Sheets on my website so that each new user can access and edit it for their personal use? And can the spreadsheet be reset for each new user visiting the website?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Yes, you can embed an Excel file from Google Sheets on your website using the Webflow CMS. However, it's important to note that embedding the file allows users to view it, but editing it requires them to have access to the Google Sheets platform.

To embed the Google Sheets file on your Webflow website, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open your Google Sheets file and make sure it is set to "Anyone with the link can view" or "Anyone on the internet can view" (depending on your desired level of access).
  2. Copy the URL of the Google Sheets file.
  3. In your Webflow Editor, navigate to the page where you want to embed the spreadsheet.
  4. Drag and drop an Embed element onto your page.
  5. Click on the Embed element to open its settings.
  6. Paste the Google Sheets URL into the "Embed Code" field.
  7. Adjust the size and styling of the embed element as needed.
  8. Save and publish your site.

Now, each new user will be able to access and view the embedded Google Sheets file on your website. However, please note that if you want each user to edit the spreadsheet for their personal use, they will need to follow these additional steps:

  1. Instruct users to click on the "Open in Google Sheets" button at the top of the embedded spreadsheet. This will open the file in a new browser tab.
  2. Once the file is open in Google Sheets, users can click on "File" in the top menu and select "Make a copy" or "Save a copy" to create their own editable copy of the spreadsheet.
  3. Users can then edit their personal copy of the spreadsheet and save it to their Google Drive or download it as an Excel file.

Since each user creates their own copy of the spreadsheet, the data will be separate and unique to them. If you want to reset the spreadsheet for each new user visiting the website, you can create a separate template spreadsheet with the desired initial state and instruct users to "Make a copy" of that template when they open the embedded file.

By following these steps, you can embed a Google Sheets file on your Webflow website and allow each user to access and edit their own personal copy of the spreadsheet while maintaining the ability to reset it for new users.

Additional questions that users may search for:

  1. How do I embed a Google Sheets file on my Webflow website?
  2. Can I allow users to edit an embedded Excel file on my website?
  3. Is it possible to reset a Google Sheets spreadsheet for each new user visiting a website?