Are the Simple and CMS plans for hosting single websites or multiple websites?

Published on
September 22, 2023

The Simple and CMS plans offered by Webflow are designed for hosting single websites. However, it is important to note that the CMS plan allows you to create and manage multiple dynamically-driven pages within a single website. This means that you can have different types of content, such as blog posts, articles, or product pages, all maintained and organized in one website. The CMS plan is perfect for businesses or individuals who require a dynamic website with frequent content updates.

Here are some key points to understand about the Simple and CMS plans for hosting websites on Webflow:

Simple plan:

  • The Simple plan is suitable for basic websites with static content.
  • It offers features like custom domain hosting, SSL certificates, and form submissions.
  • You can create and design a single website using the Webflow Designer.
  • The plan allows up to 25,000 monthly visits, making it ideal for small to medium-sized websites.

CMS plan:

  • The CMS plan extends the capabilities of the Simple plan, allowing for dynamic content management.
  • With the CMS plan, you can create dynamic collections and tie them to individual templates.
  • Dynamic collections enable you to add, modify, and organize content from a rich CMS interface.
  • You can build multiple pages with different layouts and content types within a single website.
  • The CMS plan includes features like rich text editing, image and asset management, and content scheduling.
  • The plan allows up to 100,000 monthly visits, making it suitable for larger websites with more traffic.

In summary, both the Simple and CMS plans are meant for hosting individual websites. The CMS plan provides additional functionality for managing and organizing dynamic content within a single website, making it suitable for blogs, portfolios, e-commerce sites, and other content-driven websites.

Additional questions that users may have:

  1. Can I upgrade from the Simple plan to the CMS plan in Webflow?
  2. How many sites can I host with a Webflow account?
  3. What are the pricing details for the Simple and CMS plans on Webflow?