Webflow Website Structure Guide: Best Practices for Design and SEO

Published on
May 24, 2021

Understanding Website Structure with Webflow

If you're new to Webflow and need guidance on structuring websites correctly, you're in the right place. In this tutorial, we will cover best practices on how to structure websites using Webflow. My name is Sam Harrison, and I run a digital agency based in the UK. Whether you are a beginner in web design and development, starting a business, venturing into passive income, or seeking general Webflow tips and tricks, this tutorial will help you get started.

The Role of Sections in Webflow

When starting with Webflow, it might not be immediately apparent on how to correctly structure websites. Unlike platforms like Elementor or WP Bakery for WordPress, Webflow provides pre-made section elements, divs, and containers. These are all essentially div blocks, but they are categorized in a way that encourages you to think about how to appropriately structure websites.

To demonstrate how to structure a website in Webflow, let's start by designing a hero section. This section is usually the first thing visitors encounter when they land on a website. It typically takes up a certain proportion of the screen and serves as the main statement about the website, conveying important information at a glance.

Adding a Navigation and Hero Section

To begin, we will start by adding a navigation. In Webflow, we can create a navbar and customize it according to our design preferences. The placement of the navigation can be on top of, or above, the hero section. For this demonstration, the navigation is placed above the hero section.

The hero section that we'll create will take up 100% of the viewport height, ensuring that it covers the entire screen. We'll also set a background image for the hero section, to convey the visual aspect of the website.

Creating Structure with Containers

In Webflow, it's essential to understand the difference between using a section and a container. While a section typically spans the width of the screen, a container restricts the content to a specific width, ensuring alignment with the overall website design.

When creating the hero section, we'll incorporate a container with a predefined width, giving us control over the width of the content within it.

Adding Text and Container Customization

In the container, we will add a text block, which will serve as the primary content for the hero section. By customizing the container's settings, such as setting a maximum width and minimum height, we can ensure that the text and other elements are properly contained and aligned within the section.

Responsive Design Considerations

One important aspect of structuring websites in Webflow is considering responsiveness. As we design the hero section, we need to ensure that the layout and content adapt seamlessly across different devices and screen sizes.

To achieve this, we can apply padding to elements, such as the navigation and section, which maintains consistent spacing and alignment when viewed on various devices.

Understanding the Box Model in Webflow

It's important to have a fundamental understanding of the box model in Webflow. Every element in Webflow, including text elements, is essentially enclosed within a box. This concept is crucial in determining how elements are positioned and interact with one another within the layout.

By understanding the box model, you can effectively position and align elements within containers, ensuring a cohesive and visually appealing website structure.


In conclusion, Webflow offers a comprehensive set of tools for creating and structuring websites. By understanding the role of sections, containers, and div blocks, you can create well-structured and visually appealing websites.

In the next tutorial, we will delve into creating a blog within the CMS in Webflow. Stay tuned for more insightful tips and techniques on building websites using Webflow.

I hope this tutorial has been helpful, and I look forward to sharing more valuable insights in the next session. Thank you for watching, and I'll see you in the next video!