Webflow Interactions: Professional Tips for Dynamic and Scalable Designs

Published on
March 4, 2021

How to Build Webflow Interactions for Beginners and Pros

Welcome back to another tutorial for Webflow pros! In today's video, we'll explore how both beginners and advanced users can efficiently build various interactions in Webflow. We'll also address some common pain points that arise when creating these interactions. Let's dive into the tutorial and learn how to streamline the process of building interactions in Webflow.

Beginner Approach to Building Interactions

Hover State on a Card

As a beginner, you might initially set up a hover state on a card by creating separate interactions for hover in and hover out effects. However, this approach can lead to rigid designs that may not adapt well to different screen sizes or content changes. The manual adjustments, such as setting exact pixel heights and positioning elements, can create maintenance challenges in the long run.

To create a hover effect, here's the general flow a beginner might follow:

  1. Setting initial states for elements like size and opacity.
  2. Applying specific pixel heights for elements, which can lead to layout issues.
  3. Not considering scalability for future content or screen size changes.

Looping Icon Animation

Similarly, beginners may create looping icon animations by individually setting movement parameters for each icon. This manual process can become repetitive and time-consuming as this interaction is duplicated for multiple elements.

Scroll-Triggered Color Change

When implementing a scroll-triggered color change, beginners may manually adjust the background and text colors for each element, leading to a laborious process of setting color properties across the entire site.

Drawbacks of the Beginner Approach

The key drawbacks of the beginner approach include:

  • Lack of scalability and adaptability for different content and screen sizes
  • Repetitive and time-consuming setup for interactions
  • Manual adjustments leading to potential maintenance challenges
  • Inefficient handling of global design changes, such as color scheme adjustments

Professional Approach to Building Interactions

Efficient Hover State on a Card

In contrast to the beginner approach, a professional build in Webflow focuses on creating scalable and dynamic interactions.

To efficiently handle the hover state on a card, the professional approach involves:

  1. Applying interactions to classes instead of individual elements, ensuring consistent and scalable behavior across multiple instances.
  2. Utilizing relative measurements and flexible sizing, such as setting heights to "auto" or using scalable units like "em" to accommodate varying content and layout changes.
  3. Leveraging Webflow's built-in features like Flexbox to maintain consistent element positioning within their containers without relying on fixed pixel heights.

Optimized Looping Icon Animation

Professionals would use global classes to define movement parameters for looping icon animations, enabling a streamlined setup where changes apply universally to elements with specific classes.

Streamlined Scroll-Triggered Color Change

For scroll-triggered color changes, professionals would leverage global classes to define color states, ensuring efficient propagation of color scheme adjustments across the site without the need for manual adjustments to individual elements.

Embracing Webflow's Capabilities for Efficient Interactions

The professional approach focuses on:

  • Utilizing classes and global settings to create scalable and consistent interactions.
  • Emphasizing relative measurements and flexible layout designs to adapt to dynamic content changes.
  • Leveraging Webflow's built-in features for efficient handling of interactions and design changes.

Importance of Strategic Planning

Before diving into building interactions in Webflow, it's crucial to plan and design with scalability and adaptability in mind. By considering the following aspects during the design phase, you can streamline the development of interactions:

  • Dynamic content changes: Account for variations in content length and layout adjustments.
  • Screen responsiveness: Ensure that interactions and designs are responsive across different screen sizes.
  • Global design elements: Identify elements that can be set as global settings or classes to streamline interactions and design changes.


Understanding how to efficiently build interactions in Webflow is essential for creating dynamic and scalable designs. By adopting a professional approach that focuses on scalability, flexibility, and leveraging Webflow's capabilities, users can streamline the process of building interactions, saving time and effort while ensuring consistent and adaptable designs.

In conclusion, by planning interactions strategically in the design phase and utilizing Webflow's features effectively, users can create impressive and efficient interactions that enhance the overall user experience.

By following the professional approach to building interactions in Webflow, users can streamline the design process and create dynamic, scalable, and efficient interactions. Planning interactions strategically in the design phase and leveraging Webflow's capabilities is essential for achieving consistent and adaptable designs.