Using Webflow Animations for Conditional Logic in Webflow Forms: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Published on
May 16, 2021

How to Use Webflow Animations to Create Conditional Logic in Webflow Forms

Webflow is a powerful tool for building websites and forms. In this tutorial, we will explore how to use Webflow animations to create conditional logic inside Webflow forms. Conditional logic allows you to display specific questions or prompts based on the answers provided by the user in previous questions. While this feature isn't natively available in Webflow forms, we can achieve conditional logic using Webflow animations without relying on third-party tools or custom code.

Let's dive into how you can build conditional logic in Webflow forms using Webflow animations.

Setting Up the Form in Webflow

First, you'll need to create a form in Webflow. This involves selecting the form element from the elements panel and adding the necessary fields such as name, email address, and any other questions you want to ask the website visitor.

It's important to note that when setting up conditional logic, ensure that all fields that are dependent on user selections are included in the form from the beginning. For example, if a text field is displayed when a specific option is selected, make sure to add that field to the form initially.

Furthermore, it's recommended to provide a group name for all the options that have something in common, such as radio button fields. This grouping ensures that the submitted data aligns with a specific column in Webflow forms, which is essential for data organization when integrating with third-party databases like Airtable.

Creating Webflow Animations for Conditional Logic

After setting up the form, we can proceed to use Webflow animations to show or hide elements based on user selections. Let's go through the steps of setting up conditional logic for a simple form that asks the website visitor about their preferred holiday destination - Australia, New Zealand, or Other.

Default State Animation

When the form initially loads, we want certain elements to be hidden. This can be achieved by setting a page trigger animation to hide specific elements by default. For example, if "Australia" is the default selection, we can set up an animation to hide the text field and label associated with "New Zealand" and "Other" options.

Animation for Selection of "New Zealand"

Next, we need to set up an animation that triggers when the user selects "New Zealand". This can be achieved using an element trigger animation. When the "New Zealand" option is selected, we want to display a prompt and possibly hide other elements. For instance, we might display a message saying "Great choice" and hide the text field for the "Other" option.

Animation for Selection of "Other"

Similarly, when the user selects "Other", we want to display a text field for them to input their custom holiday destination. This can be done by setting up an animation to display the text field for the "Other" option and hide the prompt associated with "New Zealand".

Handling Reverting Selections

It's also important to set up animations to handle scenarios where the user might change their selection. For instance, if they go back and select "Australia" after choosing "New Zealand" or "Other", we need to hide the additional fields associated with the previous selections.

By setting up these animations, we can effectively create conditional logic within the Webflow form, providing a dynamic user experience based on their selections.

Extending Conditional Logic

The example provided is a basic use case to demonstrate the concept of using Webflow animations for conditional logic. However, the approach can be extended to more complex forms and scenarios. For example, you can group related questions into div blocks and use similar animations to display or hide entire blocks of questions based on user selections.

Understanding the basics of using Webflow animations for conditional logic opens the door to creating more interactive and personalized form experiences for website visitors.


In conclusion, we've explored how to utilize Webflow animations to implement conditional logic within Webflow forms. While conditional logic isn't directly built into Webflow forms, leveraging Webflow's animation capabilities allows us to achieve similar functionality without relying on external tools or custom code.

If you're interested in exploring the actual implementation and interacting with the form, you can clone the template provided by visiting the link in the video description.

We hope this tutorial has provided you with valuable insights into creating dynamic and interactive forms using Webflow. If you have any questions or would like to see more tutorials on Webflow, feel free to leave a comment, and we'll explore additional topics in future videos.

Thank you for following along, and we look forward to sharing more insights with you in the next tutorial.