Using Components in Collection Lists for Dynamic and Consistent Webflow Designs

Published on
May 10, 2023

Using Components in Collection Lists in Webflow Designer

Webflow is a powerful tool for creating websites without needing to write a single line of code. One of the many features it offers is the ability to use components in Collection lists. This feature allows you to create a single component design and use it across dynamic content, ensuring consistency throughout your site. In this tutorial, we will explore the process of setting up component properties, adding and configuring Collection lists, connecting components to dynamic content, and editing the component structure. Let’s dive in and understand how to build this in Webflow.

Setting Up Component Properties

To begin, let’s understand how to set up component properties in Webflow. Component properties allow you to override content within the component, ensuring that each instance can have unique content. Here’s how to set it up:

  1. Access the Component: Start by identifying the component you want to work with on your homepage or any other static page in your Webflow project. If you've already designed a card or any other element and made it a component, you're halfway there.

  2. Edit Component: Double-click on the component to enter the editing mode. This will allow you to modify the component’s structure and create additional properties.

  3. Create Properties: While in the editing mode, select the element within the component for which you want to create a property. For example, if you want to make the text on a button dynamic, select the button and then create a property for its text in the element settings panel.

By creating properties for the elements within the component, you empower them to pull dynamic content when used in Collection lists. Once you've set up the component properties, you're ready to move on to the next step.

Adding and Configuring Collection Lists

Collection lists are essential in Webflow as they allow you to bind dynamic content to your components. Here’s how to add and configure them:

  1. Navigate to the Desired Page: Move to the page where you want to add a Collection list. For this example, let’s assume we're on a podcasts page and need to list the podcast episodes in a grid layout.

  2. Add the Collection List: Drag and drop a Collection list element onto the page. Once added, you can select a source, which will be your CMS collection that contains the dynamic content you want to display.

  3. Configure Display Settings: Access the Navigator, select the Collection list, and configure the display settings as per your requirements. For instance, if you want to display podcasts in a grid layout, you can set it to a grid view and adjust the layout and limit the number of items displayed.

  4. Style the Collection List: If needed, you can further style the Collection list using the style panel to customize the appearance and layout of the dynamic content.

By adding and configuring the Collection list, you have now prepared the stage for connecting the components to the dynamic content.

Connecting Components to Dynamic Content

Now that the Collection list is in place, it’s time to connect the components to the dynamic content. Here’s how you can do this in Webflow:

  1. Select the Component: Navigate to the Components section and drag the desired component into the Collection list. In our example, we can add the card component, which may have been designed on the homepage, to the Collection list on the podcasts page.

  2. Bind Component Properties: Select any instance of the component within the Collection list and access the element settings. Here, you will find the properties you previously created for the elements within the component.

  • For each property, such as image source, heading, description, or button text, you can link it to the corresponding dynamic data from your collection by binding it to the relevant collection item.

By binding the component properties to your collection, each card within the Collection list now represents a specific podcast, and the dynamic data from the CMS collection is seamlessly integrated into the component.

Editing the Component Structure

After connecting your components to the dynamic content, you may wonder whether you can still edit the component structure without disrupting the design across your site. Webflow allows you to seamlessly edit a component's structure across different instances. Here's how it works:

  1. Navigate to the Component: If you go back to the homepage or any other page where the component is used, you can double-click on the component to enter the editing mode.

  2. Modify the Structure: You can rearrange, add, or remove elements within the component to update its structure. For example, you can change the layout of the card or adjust the position of elements within it.

  3. Consistent Updates: Any changes made to the component's structure will be reflected across all instances where the component is used, be it in Collection lists or static content. This ensures that your design remains consistent throughout your site.

By understanding and following these steps, you can harness the power of components in Collection lists within the Webflow Designer to create dynamic and consistent designs for your website.


In conclusion, using components in Collection lists in Webflow empowers you to maintain a consistent design language while seamlessly integrating dynamic content. By setting up component properties, adding and configuring Collection lists, connecting components to dynamic content, and editing the component structure, you can ensure that changes to your design are reflected across the entire site, both for static and dynamic content instances. This level of flexibility and control makes Webflow an ideal platform for creating visually compelling websites with ease.

In summary, Webflow's intuitive design features and the ability to work with dynamic data through components and Collection lists make it a valuable tool for designers and developers seeking to create visually stunning and functionally rich websites without delving into complex code.