Optimizing SEO: Writing Unique Page Titles and Meta Descriptions for Webflow Collection Items

Published on
June 2, 2022

How to Write Individual Descriptions and Page Titles for Each Collection Item Inside Webflow

Writing page titles and meta descriptions for static pages in Webflow is pretty straightforward. You simply go to the page in question, click on the settings cog, and enter the data in the designated fields. However, when it comes to collections, such as blogs, entering the data on the actual collection page or a templated page will cause it to repeat for every instance, which is not ideal. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to write individual descriptions and page titles for each collection item inside Webflow.

Writing Page Titles and Meta Descriptions for Static Pages

For static pages, the process of writing page titles and meta descriptions is quite simple. Navigate to the Pages tab, click on the specific page you want to edit, and scroll down to find the "Title Tag" and "Meta Description" fields. Here, you can input the desired title, description, and any Open Graph images or titles needed.

Writing Page Titles and Meta Descriptions for Collection Pages

When it comes to collection pages, such as blogs, it’s crucial to ensure that each item has its own unique page title and meta description. Unlike static pages, where you can directly edit the title and description, collection pages require a different approach.

Creating Custom Fields for Collection Items

To achieve individual descriptions and page titles for each collection item, you need to create custom fields within the CMS (Content Management System) for the collection. Let's take the example of a blog collection. You will need to add a custom text field for the page title and another for the meta description.

In the Webflow Designer, navigate to the Collections section and click on the specific collection, in this case, "Blogs." Inside the individual CMS item for the collection list, add the custom text fields for the page title and meta description. These custom fields will allow you to input unique titles and descriptions for each blog post.

Adding the Custom Fields to the Collection Template

Once the custom fields for the page title and meta description are added to the individual collection items, you need to incorporate them into the collection template. Go to the template for the collection, in this case, the blog template, and add the custom fields that were created – the page title and meta description. This ensures that the custom fields for the page title and meta description are available for each collection item within the template.

Publishing and Verifying the Data

After adding the custom fields to the template, save the changes and publish the website. Once the website is published, you can verify the page titles and meta descriptions for individual collection items by viewing the page source. By inspecting the page source, you can confirm that the unique page titles and meta descriptions are being generated for each collection item.

Course Announcement

At the conclusion of the tutorial, the presenter mentions a course that covers website creation from start to finish, including setting up page titles and meta descriptions, as demonstrated in the tutorial. If you're interested in learning more about website creation and development, such as setting up blogs and custom fields in Webflow, stay tuned for the course release.


In conclusion, writing individual descriptions and page titles for each collection item inside Webflow requires the use of custom fields within the CMS. By adding custom text fields for the page title and meta description to the individual collection items, and incorporating these fields into the collection template, you can ensure that each collection item has its own unique page title and meta description. This approach allows for greater flexibility and customization when managing collections, such as blogs, within the Webflow platform.

By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can effectively tailor the page titles and meta descriptions for each collection item, ensuring a more personalized and impactful user experience. If you're interested in learning more about website creation and design, keep an eye out for the upcoming course release, where you can delve deeper into the web development process using Webflow.