Optimize Webflow CMS Images Automatically with Optoly for Improved Website Performance

Published on
April 8, 2021

Automatically Resize Images With Webflow CMS using Optoly

Are you tired of dealing with large images that slow down your website's load speed and negatively affect your SEO? Well, in this tutorial, we're going to introduce you to a game-changing tool called Optoly that allows you to automatically resize images inside of the Webflow CMS. This tool will not only save you time but also improve your website's performance.

The Challenge of Large Images

When freelancers add case studies or portfolio items to their profiles on websites like Unicorn Factory, they often upload large images for their projects. These large images can significantly slow down the page load speed and have a negative impact on SEO. To address this issue, we'll be demonstrating how to use Optoly, a tool that automates the process of resizing images within the Webflow CMS.

Analyzing Page Load Speed

Before diving into the optimization process, it's essential to understand the impact of large images on your website's performance. Google's Page Speed Insights tool is a valuable resource for evaluating your page's speed and identifying potential issues that may be affecting its performance. Large images are often a common factor contributing to slow page load speeds.

Introducing Optoly

Optoly, created by the Flow Base team, is a powerful tool designed to streamline the image optimization process within the Webflow CMS. By connecting your site to Optoly, you can efficiently resize and optimize images, ultimately improving your website's performance and SEO.

Getting Started with Optoly

To begin using Optoly, you'll need to obtain an API key from your Webflow project settings. Once you have your API key, you can seamlessly integrate it with Optoly, allowing you to initiate the image optimization process. It's worth noting that Optoly offers a straightforward and user-friendly interface, making it accessible even for beginners.

Optimizing Images

After connecting your site to Optoly, the tool provides a comprehensive overview of the images within your Webflow CMS collections. You have the option to optimize all images at once or select specific collections for optimization. Once the optimization process is initiated, Optoly efficiently resizes and optimizes the images, significantly reducing their file sizes.

Ensuring Image Quality

An essential aspect of image optimization is ensuring that the quality of the images remains uncompromised. With Optoly, you can easily verify that the optimized images retain their original quality. By providing a seamless transition in image quality, Optoly ensures that your website maintains its visual appeal while improving performance.

Impact of Image Optimization

Upon completing the optimization process, it's crucial to evaluate the impact of image optimization on your website's performance. With Optoly's assistance, you'll likely observe a substantial improvement in your page load speed, as well as a positive change in your Page Speed Insights score. Additionally, optimized images enhance user experience and contribute to improved SEO rankings.

Cost-Effectiveness of Optoly

In terms of cost-effectiveness, Optoly offers exceptional value for the benefits it provides. The tool's pricing structure, which includes credits for image optimization, proves to be a worthwhile investment. With a minimal financial outlay, you can optimize a significant number of images, thereby reaping long-term benefits in terms of improved website performance and SEO.

Utilizing Optoly Beyond CMS Collections

While Optoly is particularly effective in optimizing images within CMS collections, it also offers functionality for optimizing images across your entire website. This extended capability allows you to comprehensively enhance the performance and user experience of your website by addressing image optimization at a broader level.

Important Considerations and Recommendations

When utilizing Optoly, it's essential to follow certain recommendations to ensure a smooth and seamless optimization process. For example, the tool advises having a backup of your project before initiating the optimization. It's crucial to adhere to this recommendation to safeguard against any unforeseen issues that may arise during the optimization process.


In conclusion, Optoly emerges as a game-changing tool for web designers and developers utilizing the Webflow platform. By simplifying the image optimization process, Optoly not only saves valuable time but also enhances website performance and user experience. Its cost-effective pricing model, seamless integration with Webflow, and the ability to optimize images beyond CMS collections make it a highly valuable asset for any website owner looking to improve their site's performance and SEO.

With Optoly, the cumbersome task of manually resizing and optimizing images becomes a thing of the past. This powerful tool empowers website owners to effortlessly enhance their websites with optimized images, effectively contributing to improved page load speed and SEO.