How to Create Transition Interaction in Webflow: A Step-by-Step Guide

Published on
September 8, 2021

How to Create a Transition Interaction in Webflow

In this tutorial, we are going to create a transition interaction in Webflow. This will involve creating a visually stunning effect using various elements and animations. Let's dive in and start building this impressive transition interaction in Webflow.

Getting Started

We'll begin by setting up the basic structure of our project in Webflow. If you don't have a Webflow account, make sure to sign up in order to follow along with this tutorial.

Creating the Structure

  1. Start by creating a new project in Webflow.
  2. Once the project is created, you will be directed to the Webflow Designer. Here, you can see the canvas where you will be building your project.

Section Setup

First, let's create the main section of our project where the transition interaction will occur.

Setting Height and Flexbox Properties

  1. Add a section to the canvas.
  2. Give this section a Combo Class of is-hero.
  3. Set the height of the section to 100vh.
  4. Apply the flexbox property to center everything inside the section.

Adding Divs

Now, let's add the necessary divs to create the layout for our transition interaction.

Creating the Card

  1. Inside the section, add a new div and give it a class of card.
  2. Set the height of the card to 100% of its parent and a width of 33.33% to make it exactly a third of the width of the parent.

Media Div

The next step is to create a div that will hold the media for our card.

  1. Inside the card div, create another div with the class card-media.
  2. Apply the following properties to the card-media:
    • Position: Absolute
    • Width: 100%
    • Height: 100% of its parent
    • Z-index: 1

Now, let's add a link block that will be used as a clickable element for the interaction.

  1. Inside the card-media div, add a link block with the class link.
  2. Set the following properties for the link block:
    • Position: Relative
    • Width: 100%
    • Height: 100% of its parent
    • Padding: 1.5em (top), 2em (sides)

Adding Content

We will further populate the elements with text and images.

  1. Add a heading (e.g., h2) inside the link block and give it a class of link-heading.
  2. Add another heading (e.g., h3) inside the link block and give it a class of link-sub.
  3. Finally, add an image inside the card-media div with the class card-photo.

By following these steps, you've successfully set up the basic structure and elements required for the transition interaction within Webflow.

The next steps involve adding styles and interactions to achieve the desired transition effect.

Styling and Interactions

Styling the Elements

To achieve the desired visual effect, we'll need to apply styles to the elements we've created.

  1. Set up the necessary styles for the card, card media, link block, headings, and the image. Utilize the Webflow interface to style the elements as per your design requirements.

  2. Apply a gradient to the link block as per your design specifications.

Making the Play Button Interactive

We'll make the play button interactive by adding hover effects and animations.

  1. Create an interaction in Webflow to make the play button move on hover using the Webflow Designer. You can specify the type of movement and the duration of the animation.

Adding Responsive Design

Ensure that your transition interaction setup is responsive by testing across different device breakpoints. Adjust the properties and styles as needed to maintain the intended design and functionality across various screen sizes.

By following these steps, you've successfully created the structure, styles, and initial interactions for the transition effect within Webflow. The next steps will involve advanced interactions and animations to achieve the complete transition effect.

Advanced Interactions and Animations

Making the Cards Expand on Click

We'll create an interaction to make the cards expand to full width when clicked.

  1. Add a Combo Class of is open to the selected card, setting the width to 100%. This will allow the card to span the full width when the is open class is added.
  2. Add Combo Classes to the other cards, such as is closed, to set their width to 0%. This will ensure that the selected card can expand to full width while others are minimized.

Adding Transitions

Apply transitions to the properties to create a smooth expansion effect.

Enabling Overflow Hidden

Set the overflow: hidden property for the card to ensure that the content within it does not overflow when the width decreases.

Responsive Considerations

Make adjustments for responsive design, ensuring that the transition effect works seamlessly across different screen sizes.

Implementing Interactive Video Playback

We will incorporate interactive video playback into the transition interaction.

Adding Embedded Video

  1. Embed a video within the card media and style it accordingly. Ensure that the video is set to play automatically or as per your project requirements.

  2. Apply interactions to switch the background image to video playback through click triggers, hover triggers, or scrolling triggers, depending on your specific implementation.

Creating Custom Actions

For advanced functionality, create custom actions using JavaScript or custom code embeds within Webflow to control the interactive video playback.

By implementing these advanced interactions and animations, you've successfully created a transition interaction in Webflow. This elevates the visual appeal and interactivity of the project, providing users with an engaging experience.

In conclusion, Webflow offers powerful tools and features to create visually stunning and interactive transition effects. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can leverage Webflow's capabilities to build captivating transition interactions for your projects. Experiment with different styles, animations, and interactions to create unique and engaging user experiences within Webflow.