GSAP Scroll Trigger Tutorial: Elevate Webflow Design Skills

Published on
December 3, 2021

Understanding GSAP Scroll Trigger in Webflow

Are you a Webflow pro looking to enhance your web design skills? In this tutorial, we'll delve into the GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) scroll trigger library to bring a website to life. We'll explore the advantages of using GSAP over Webflow's native scroll interactions and demonstrate how to unleash the power of GSAP to create captivating animations.

Introduction to GSAP Scroll Trigger Library

The GSAP scroll trigger library is an exceptional tool that surpasses the limitations of Webflow's native scroll interactions. It provides numerous benefits, including the ability to animate properties such as border radius, font size, drop shadow distance, and border thickness. Moreover, the library enables targeting of elements that were previously inaccessible using Webflow interactions, like individual collection items within a collection list.

Advantages of GSAP Scroll Trigger Library

GSAP outperforms by offering the following advantages:

  • Expanded Animation Properties: Animating properties such as border radius, font size, drop shadow distance, and border thickness.
  • Targeting Flexibility: The ability to target elements like individual collection items within a collection list.
  • Optimized Performance: GSAP is highly optimized for performance, ensuring fast and snappy scrolling experiences.
  • Granular Control: Complete control over when elements start animating based on their position in the viewport.

Implementing GSAP Scroll Trigger in Webflow

Let's dive into the implementation of GSAP scroll triggers within a Webflow project. To get started, we'll need to import the necessary code to initialize the GSAP libraries and the scroll trigger plugin.

Importing GSAP Libraries

In the <head> of your Webflow project, paste the code to import the GSAP libraries and initialize the scroll trigger plugin:

<!-- Import GSAP libraries and initialize the scroll trigger plugin --><script src=""></script><script src=""></script>

This code initializes the necessary JavaScript libraries for GSAP and scroll trigger functionality in your Webflow project.

Setting Animation Types

In the imported code, various animation types are defined. You can select the desired animation type based on your specific requirements.

For example, let's consider the following animation type for animating a logo:".nav-logo", {  scrollTrigger: {    trigger: ".hero-section",    start: "top top",    end: "bottom top",    scrub: 1  },  width: "100%",  y: "-90%"});

In this example, the logo animation starts when the .hero-section enters view and ends when it reaches the specified point. The logo's width is set to 100% and moves up 90% on the y-axis with a smooth animation defined by the scrub property.

Animating Header Text

Next, let's consider animating the header text to reveal each line one by one as they come into view:

gsap.from(".header-text", {  scrollTrigger: {    trigger: ".header-section",    start: "top top",    end: "bottom top",    scrub: 0.8  },  y: "100%",  onComplete: () => {    // Animation completion callback  }});

Here, the header text animates as it enters the viewport, revealing each line individually. The animation starts when the .header-section reaches the top of the viewport and ends when it leaves the view.

Creating a Sticky Circle Animation

Now, let's create an animation for a sticky circle that grows as the user scrolls:

gsap.from(".sticky-circle", {  scrollTrigger: {    trigger: ".sticky-section",    start: "top top",    end: "bottom top",    scrub: 1  },  width: "35em",  height: "35em",  borderRadius: "35em",  onComplete: () => {    // Animation completion callback  }});"body, .nav", {  scrollTrigger: {    trigger: ".sticky-section",    start: "top top",    end: "bottom top",    scrub: 1  },  backgroundColor: "#FFFFFF",  color: "#000000"});

In this example, the sticky circle animation triggers when the .sticky-section enters the viewport. Alongside this animation, the body background color and the navbar color change from dark to light, creating a seamless visual effect.

Syncing Title Changes with Image Sets

To synchronize title changes with different sets of images, GSAP scroll triggers can be used to achieve the effect:

$(document).ready(function(){  // Animate titles based on scrolling  var titles = $(".title");  var imageSets = $(".image-set");  $.each(imageSets, function(index, set) {, {      scrollTrigger: {        trigger: set,        start: "top top",        end: "bottom top",        scrub: 0.5      },      opacity: 1,      onComplete: () => {        titles.not(titles.eq(index)).css("opacity", 0);      }    });  });});

In this example, we use GSAP to animate the opacity of titles based on the scrolling behavior of the corresponding image sets. This ensures that only the relevant title is displayed as the user scrolls through the different image categories.

Implementing Image Parallax

Finally, let's create a parallax effect for collection items, making them move at different speeds and distances as the user scrolls:

gsap.from(".grid-item", {  scrollTrigger: {    trigger: ".grid-wrap",    start: "top top",    end: "bottom top",    scrub: 0.8  },  y: "-30%"});gsap.from(".grid-item:nth-of-type(2n+1)", {  scrollTrigger: {    trigger: ".grid-wrap",    start: "top top",    end: "bottom top",    scrub: 1  },  y: "-50%"});gsap.from(".grid-item:nth-of-type(3n+1)", {  scrollTrigger: {    trigger: ".grid-wrap",    start: "top top",    end: "bottom top",    scrub: 1.5  },  y: "-70%"});

By utilizing GSAP scroll triggers, collection items can be animated to move at varying speeds and distances, creating a visually appealing parallax effect as the user scrolls through the page.


The GSAP scroll trigger library opens up a world of possibilities for web designers, enabling advanced scroll-based animations and interactions that were previously challenging to achieve within Webflow. By harnessing the power of GSAP, you can create compelling animations, synchronize visual elements, and add dynamic effects to elevate the user experience on your website.

I hope this tutorial has provided you with valuable insights into leveraging GSAP scroll triggers within your Webflow projects. Experiment with the examples and explore further to unlock the full potential of GSAP in shaping captivating web experiences.

For a comprehensive guide on GSAP scroll triggers, you can refer to the full scroll trigger tutorial featured in the description of this video.

Thank you for joining me in exploring the incredible capabilities of GSAP in Webflow. Stay tuned for more exciting tutorials and tips on mastering web design and development with Webflow!