Exploring jQuery Fundamentals for Webflow: Create Custom Interactions

Published on
July 8, 2021

Exploring jQuery Fundamentals for Webflow

Do you want to take your Webflow project to the next level with custom interactions and animations? Look no further; this guide will take you through the fundamentals of jQuery and how to use it within your Webflow projects. By the end of this tutorial, you'll be able to create unique interactions and overcome some of the limitations of web design through the power of jQuery.

What is jQuery?

Before we dive into the practical application of jQuery within Webflow, let's first understand what jQuery is. jQuery is a popular JavaScript library that is included in every Webflow project. It offers a straightforward, enjoyable, and easy-to-learn approach to adding custom interactions and animations to web pages. By utilizing jQuery, you can unlock the ability to create uncommon interactions and overcome some of the limitations present within Webflow’s native tools.

Building Interactions with jQuery in Webflow

To build an interaction with jQuery, we follow a similar process to the one used when building interactions in Webflow. An example interaction we can explore is the effect of having a circle slide up whenever a form field is focused, and slide back down when the focus is removed. In Webflow, a trigger element would be selected (in this case, the form field), and an interaction would be applied to achieve the desired effect. However, Webflow's interactions tab may not have the exact trigger types or animation options we require.

Custom Interactions in Webflow with jQuery

We'll start by examining how interactions are created in Webflow and then transition into using jQuery to achieve the same results, while also exploring additional possibilities that jQuery unlocks.

Setting up Interactions in Webflow

In Webflow, to trigger an interaction when a form field is focused, we’d follow these steps:

  1. Select the trigger element (the form field).
  2. Head over to the interactions tab and choose the trigger type (e.g., click or tap).
  3. Create and configure the animation, selecting the element to be animated.

However, Webflow may not have specific trigger types or animation options, such as animating the border radius, to achieve our desired effect.

Utilizing jQuery for Custom Animations

This is where jQuery comes into play. With jQuery, we can create animations by adding and removing classes from elements. For our example, to animate the circle sliding up and down, and changing the border radius, we would:

  1. Set the initial styles for the base class to define how the circle should look on page load.
  2. Create a secondary class (e.g., "move") that contains the styles for the animated state.
  3. Define the transition properties to visually animate the changes smoothly.

By incorporating jQuery, we can achieve the desired effect that isn't easily achievable using Webflow's native interactions.

Using Webflow with jQuery Builder 2.0

The jQuery Builder Interface

Webflow’s jQuery Builder 2.0 provides an intuitive platform to incorporate custom jQuery interactions seamlessly into your projects. It simplifies the process of adding jQuery code to your Webflow site. The jQuery Builder interface can be broken down into three key steps:

  1. Selecting the trigger element.
  2. Choosing the target element to be animated.
  3. Applying an action to animate the target element.

Applying jQuery in Webflow

We can illustrate the process of setting up a jQuery custom interaction within Webflow using the following steps:

Step 1: Selecting Trigger Element

In Webflow, we have a form field with a class name "form-field." When referencing classes in jQuery, it's essential to avoid capital letters and spaces in the class name. Therefore, we'll rename the class to "form-field" for consistency.

Step 2: Choosing the Target Element

After renaming the class, we copy it and paste it into the jQuery Builder's trigger element field. We also modify the trigger type to "on focus," ensuring the interaction is triggered when the form field is focused.

Step 3: Applying Animation Action

We then select the element we want to animate, which, in this case, would be the circle element. We copy the class of the circle and paste it as the target element. For the action, we specify adding the class "move" to the circle, which contains the animated styles we defined earlier in Webflow.

Integrating jQuery Code in Webflow

After configuring the jQuery interaction within the jQuery Builder interface, we can proceed to integrate the generated jQuery code into our Webflow project. Here's the process:

  1. Copy the jQuery code generated by the builder for our interaction.
  2. Head back to the Webflow project and navigate to the pages tab in the project settings.
  3. Scroll down to the "closing body tag" section, where jQuery code should be placed.
  4. Create opening and closing script tags within this section.
  5. Paste the copied jQuery code between the script tags.
  6. Save the changes and publish the site to see the interactions take effect on the live site.

Enhancing the Interaction

To create additional functionality for our interaction, such as smoothly sliding the circle back down when the form field focus is removed, we can revisit the jQuery Builder. By changing the trigger type to "focus out" and specifying the action to remove the "move" class from the circle, we can create a seamless interaction for both focus in and focus out states.

Implementing Advanced Functionality with jQuery

Organizing jQuery Code

For clarity and organization, it's beneficial to label and comment the jQuery code segments within the Webflow project. By adding comments to the jQuery code sections, we can effectively categorize and identify each interaction, making it easier to manage and update the code in the future.

Testing and Finalizing the Interactions

Once the jQuery interactions have been set up, it's essential to test them on the live site to ensure they function as intended. By previewing the site and interacting with the form field, we can observe the smooth sliding and border radius animation of the circle in response to the focus in and focus out events.


In summary, jQuery offers an excellent way to extend the capabilities of Webflow by empowering designers and developers to create custom interactions and overcome limitations within the platform. The jQuery Builder 2.0 simplifies the process of incorporating jQuery code into Webflow projects, enabling the creation of unique and engaging web experiences. By leveraging jQuery, you can enhance the interactivity and visual appeal of your web designs, opening up a world of possibilities for creating captivating user experiences. With the knowledge gained from this tutorial, you have the foundational understanding to begin taking your Webflow projects to new heights with custom jQuery interactions.