Enhance Your Webflow Website with Captivating Text Animations: A Step-by-Step Guide

Published on
October 23, 2020

How to Create Text Effects in Webflow

If you want to add some exciting and eye-catching text animations to your website and you're using Webflow, then you're in the right place. In this tutorial, I'll walk you through an easy way to create various text effects using Webflow's built-in features.

So, let's dive in and learn how to create these fun and engaging text effects.

Adding Custom Code in Webflow

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First things first, let's start by adding the necessary custom code to our Webflow page. In the description of this video, you'll find the code that we're going to use. Simply copy the code and head over to your Webflow page where you want to add the animation.

Navigate to the page settings and underneath the closing body tag, paste in the custom code. Now that the custom code is added, let's explore the various text animations we can use.

Exploring Different Animations in Webflow

In the custom code, there are a variety of animations available such as slide in, slide up, fade up, pop-in, and more. You can customize these animations to your liking or even duplicate them to add new ones.

To apply a particular animation, you'll need to add a specific class name to the text element you want to animate. For example, to apply the "fade up" animation, add the class name 'fade dash up' to the target text element.

However, each letter in the text needs to be broken up into a span for the animation to work effectively. For this, you need to add a combo class of 'tricks' to the text element. These steps are crucial for the animations to function properly.

Preview Your Animations

After adding the necessary classes and custom code, it's time to preview the animations in action. Once published, you can preview the live site to see each letter sliding in one after the other and then sliding out.

If you encounter any issues such as the text getting placed in one line, you might need to duplicate the animation and adjust the lines to force the desired effect. Customizing the animations is key to achieving the desired visual impact.

Looping Animations

If you wish to loop the animations, you can modify the custom code by changing the 'loop' parameter from false to true. This adjustment enables the animations to keep repeating, creating a continuous visual effect.

Conversely, if you prefer the animation to play only once, you can set the 'loop' parameter to false. This allows for more control over the animation behavior on your website.

Reusing Animations

To reuse an animation in different parts of your website, you can duplicate the entire animation and create a new one by modifying the class names and associated code. This process allows you to incorporate consistent and engaging animations across your web pages.

Delay and Interaction Triggers

In addition to applying animations on page load, Webflow allows you to create interactive triggers for the animations. You can set a delay for animations to start after a specific period or trigger animations based on user interactions such as hovering over an element or clicking on it.

For instance, by adding a delay to the animation, you can control when it starts, creating a more dynamic and engaging user experience. Similarly, by applying hover or click triggers, you can make the animations react to user actions, adding a layer of interactivity to your website's text elements.

Using Scroll Interactions

Webflow also provides the functionality to trigger animations when a particular element scrolls into view. By wrapping a target text element in a container with a unique ID and applying the desired animation and associated classes, you can initiate animations as users scroll down the page, adding a captivating dynamic to the user experience.

Implementing Overflow Property

To prevent overlaps between animated text and other elements, you can use the 'overflow' property to ensure that the text animations remain within their designated areas. Setting the 'overflow' property to hidden helps to maintain the visual integrity of the animations, minimizing any unintended visual clutter.


In conclusion, Webflow provides comprehensive and user-friendly tools to create captivating text animations on your website. By leveraging the platform's built-in features, custom code, and interactive triggers, you can elevate the visual appeal of your web content and enhance user engagement.

With a diverse range of animations and customization options available, Webflow empowers users to craft visually stunning and interactive text effects, creating a more immersive and dynamic user experience.

So, why not explore the possibilities and start adding captivating text animations to your Webflow website today? Happy animating!