Enhance User Experience with Webflow Tab Persistence | Webflow Tutorial

Published on
March 31, 2020

How to Build a Webflow Tab Component that Stores the Last Opened Tab

If you've ever wanted to enhance user experience on a website by ensuring that the last opened tab stays open when the user revisits the page, you're in the right place. In this tutorial, we'll walk through how to achieve this using Webflow, a platform that allows you to design, build, and launch responsive websites visually - without writing code.


In this tutorial, we'll utilize a native Webflow tab component to achieve this functionality. The concept is simple - by leveraging local storage, we can remember the last tab the user had opened and ensure it remains open when they return to the page. This is a great way to keep users engaged with the content they were previously exploring.

Setting Up the Tab Component in Webflow

We'll start by setting up the tab component in Webflow. The tab component is a native feature within Webflow, making it easy to integrate into your website.

  1. Begin by creating a new project or opening an existing one in Webflow.
  2. Within the Designer, access the component list and add the tab component to your page.
  3. Once the tab component is in place, apply a class to the buttons of the tab component. Each button should have the same class applied to it to ensure uniform functionality.

That's all we need to do within Webflow to set up the tab component and prepare it for the functionality we're aiming to achieve. Now, let's proceed to the next step where we'll implement the necessary JavaScript to make the tab component remember the last opened tab.

Implementing Local Storage for Tab Persistence

To achieve tab persistence, we'll utilize a bit of JavaScript to interact with the local storage of the user's browser. By storing the index of the last clicked tab, we can ensure it is automatically opened when the user revisits the page.

  1. To get started, navigate to the custom code section within Webflow and locate the area where you can insert custom code before the closing body tag.
  2. Inside this section, insert the following script:
<script>  document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {    if (localStorage.getItem('tab')) {      var tabToOpen = localStorage.getItem('tab');      document.querySelectorAll('.tab-button')[tabToOpen].click();    }  });  document.addEventListener('click', function(event) {    if (event.target.classList.contains('tab-button')) {      var tabIndex = Array.from(event.target.parentElement.children).indexOf(event.target);      localStorage.setItem('tab', tabIndex);    }  });</script>

Let's break down how this script works to achieve tab persistence.

  • When the DOM is ready, the script checks if a tab has been previously selected by the user. If a tab has been stored in the local storage, the script automatically clicks on that tab to ensure it remains open for the user.
  • When a tab is clicked, its index is stored in the local storage. This ensures that the last opened tab is remembered for future visits to the page.

By implementing this script, we've enabled the tab component to store and recall the last opened tab, enhancing the user experience on our website.

Testing and Deployment

After implementing the script, it's essential to thoroughly test the functionality to ensure it works as expected. Navigate through the tabs, reload the page, and even visit other pages on your site before returning to the page with the tab component. Upon returning, you should observe that the last opened tab is automatically displayed to the user.

Once you've confirmed that the tab persistence functionality is working correctly, you can deploy your site to make this enhancement available to your website visitors.


In this tutorial, we've explored how to create a Webflow tab component that remembers the last opened tab when a user revisits the page. By leveraging local storage and a bit of JavaScript, we've enhanced the user experience and created a seamless browsing experience for our website visitors.

This is just one example of the numerous possibilities Webflow offers for creating dynamic and engaging web experiences without needing to write extensive code. As you continue to explore Webflow's capabilities, consider how you can use similar techniques to further enhance your websites and provide a more immersive experience for your audience.

Remember, as you experiment with different features and functionalities, it's essential to test thoroughly and ensure that the user experience is always at the forefront of your web design efforts. With Webflow, the possibilities are vast, and with a bit of creativity and exploration, you can create compelling and interactive websites that captivate your audience.

If you're interested in learning more about Webflow and expanding your knowledge, stay tuned for more tutorials, tips, and hacks. Feel free to subscribe to our YouTube channel for updates on the latest hacks and techniques for maximizing Webflow's potential. Additionally, if you have specific features or functionalities you'd like to see implemented in Webflow, you can submit your requests for consideration.

Thank you for joining us in this tutorial, and we hope you've gained valuable insights into creating dynamic and user-friendly web experiences using Webflow. Happy designing!