Enhance User Experience: Webflow Advanced Interactions & Visual Effects

Published on
April 3, 2021

How to Build Advanced Interactions in Webflow

In this tutorial, we will explore how to create advanced interactions in Webflow. We will cover topics such as customizing menu interactions, slider interactions, and applying 3D effects to your website. We will demonstrate the use of custom code and the integration of Lottie animations to enhance the user experience. Let's dive in!

Setting Up the Foundation

Begin by setting up the basic structure for your website in Webflow. Create different sections and define the layout for your web page where you plan to incorporate advanced interactions.

Addressing Custom Styling Challenges

One common challenge with Webflow is managing the default styling of links. In Webflow, all the links on the site generally have a default text color of blue. To avoid having to apply a color to each link individually, you can use the following custom code to simplify the process:

a {  color: inherit;}

By setting the color attribute to "inherit," the text color of the link inherits from its parent, making it easier to override the color as desired.

Implementing Slider Interactions

Next, we'll delve into creating a slider interaction. To implement a slider, you can use the "Splide" slider, a flexible and scalable slider that works seamlessly with various viewport units. Here's how to set it up:

  1. Create a section where you want the slider to appear.
  2. Add a specific class, such as "spline," to a div that will act as the container for the slider.
  3. Inside the container, incorporate a collection list and customize the track, list, and individual slide items with appropriate classes.
  4. Adjust the styling and dimensions of the individual items to ensure proper alignment and display within the slider.

Integrating Lottie Animations

To incorporate Lottie animations into your Webflow project, follow these steps:

  1. Create a "background" div within your menu section and set its properties to facilitate animation placement.
  2. Embed the Lottie animation within the div and configure its dimensions and position.
  3. Apply custom interactions to manipulate the animation on menu open and close events.
  4. Fine-tune the animation properties, such as movement and scale, to achieve the desired visual effect.

Custom Cursor Implementation

Enhance user engagement by introducing custom cursor behaviors. The custom cursor can be achieved using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript within Webflow. Here's a breakdown of the process:

  1. Create a div to serve as the custom cursor and style it with a specific class.
  2. Utilize flexbox to center the cursor within the viewport and position it using fixed coordinates.
  3. Add interactive elements, such as dots, to the cursor to enhance its visual appeal.
  4. Leverage the "mousemove" event and viewport tracking to synchronize the cursor movement with user interactions.
  5. Implement visual effects, such as hover states, to elevate the interactive experience.

Advanced Menu Interactions

Customize menu interactions to provide a visually appealing and seamless navigation experience for website visitors. Here's how to implement advanced menu interactions:

  1. Utilize a combination of CSS and JavaScript to achieve smooth transitions and effects.
  2. Utilize Lottie animations to create dynamic menu transitions, such as the expansion and contraction of menu elements when opened and closed.
  3. Employ JavaScript libraries, like Anime.js, to facilitate complex animations and transitions within the menu interface.
  4. Enable smooth scrolling and overflow management to enhance the overall user experience when interacting with the menu elements.


By following these steps, you can enrich your Webflow projects with advanced interactions and dynamic visual effects to captivate users and deliver a unique and engaging web experience. Incorporating custom code, leveraging JavaScript libraries, and integrating Lottie animations can help elevate the visual appeal and interactivity of your Webflow projects. Embrace creative experimentation and continuously explore new design possibilities to create compelling web experiences.