Enhance User Engagement with Custom Sticker Interactions in Webflow

Published on
January 9, 2021

Creating Unique Sticker Interactions in Webflow

In this tutorial, we will cover how to add a unique sticker interaction to your Webflow projects by using custom code. This custom interaction allows users to click anywhere on the page to add a random sticker that disappears after a couple of seconds. You can also scroll up and down the page to add stickers wherever you'd like.

Getting Started

To begin, we need to incorporate some custom code into our Webflow project. You can find the code provided in the description of this video tutorial.

Step 1: Add Style Code

The first part of the code is the style code, which you'll need to copy. This code should be pasted in the page settings of your Webflow project. The style code should be placed inside the head tag section.

Step 2: Add Script Tags

The second part of the code involves script tags, which should also be copied and pasted into the closing body tag of your Webflow project.

After adding the style and script code, ensure to save the changes.

Setting Up the Sticker Container

Next, we need to set up a div that will hold all our stickers. This div should be given a specific class name of tricks-stickers. Inside this div, you'll place images, and each image should have the class name of tricks-sticker.

You can add as many images as you'd like, and you can even apply combo classes to the images to style them differently. Additionally, you can style the images across breakpoints to make each sticker a different size based on the screen size, all directly within Webflow.

Wrapper for Page Sections

To ensure proper functionality of the sticker interaction, we need to enclose all sections of the page, such as the hero and the footer, inside a wrapper. This wrapper should have a specific class of overflow with the following properties:

  • Width of 100%
  • Overflow set to hidden
  • Position set to relative

These properties are crucial to prevent any stickers from crossing horizontal scrolling if they extend beyond the page.

After setting up the sticker container and the wrapper, you can set the sticker container to display: none to hide the stickers until they are interacted with.

Customizing the Interaction

Now that the setup is complete, let's understand how to customize the interaction based on your preferences.

Setting Sticker Disappearance Time

In the custom code, there is a parameter that determines how long it takes for a sticker to disappear after being added. By default, it is set to 2 seconds, but you can easily adjust this time to your liking. For example, you can increase it to 3 seconds or decrease it to 1 second as per your preference.

Modifying Sticker Hide Effect

The code snippet also includes a class called sticker-hide in the CSS. This class is responsible for hiding the stickers. It achieves this by scaling the sticker down. However, you can customize this effect by modifying the CSS transition within the sticker class to achieve a different hiding effect, such as using opacity to hide the stickers.

Limiting Sticker Addition Area

If you want to limit where stickers can be added, you can update the code so that stickers are only added when clicking inside specific sections of the page. For example, you can modify the code to only add stickers when clicking inside the hero section or any other section you specify.

Testing and Publishing

After customizing the interaction to your preferences, you can publish your Webflow project. Upon publishing, you can test the sticker interaction by clicking around the page. Stickers should appear and disappear based on the custom interaction settings you've configured.

Cloneable Project

If you're interested in experimenting with the interactions and stickers, the creator of this tutorial has also made the project cloneable. You can find the link to the cloneable project in the description of the video.

Additional Learning Resources

If you're interested in learning more about creating unique interactions with jQuery and JavaScript for your Webflow projects, the creator also offers tutorials on their Patreon page. These tutorials cover JavaScript and jQuery to help elevate your Webflow projects with custom interactions.

In conclusion, adding unique sticker interactions to your Webflow projects can enhance user engagement and create a playful and interactive experience for visitors. With a combination of custom code and Webflow's design capabilities, you can create engaging and dynamic websites that stand out.