Efficient Webflow Interactions: Adding and Removing Classes with jQuery

Published on
February 3, 2021

Creating Cleaner and More Efficient Interactions in Webflow using jQuery Builder

In this video tutorial, we'll explore a new method for creating cleaner and more efficient interactions inside Webflow. This technique involves the strategic use of adding and removing classes, providing a streamlined approach for enhancing web design skills, especially suitable for beginners using Webflow.

Design Inspiration

The design we'll be working on is inspired by a piece shared in the Webflow Designer's Facebook group. It features circles that move left and right when odd dots are clicked, move up and down when even dots are clicked, and display an image with paragraph text when any dot is clicked.

Understanding Interactions with Classes

To start, we need to grasp the concept that interactions can be created by adding or moving classes within Webflow. For instance, a smooth sliding effect can be achieved by adding a "x move" class and adjusting the position, eliminating the need for separate interactions.

jQuery Builder in Webflow

Utilizing the jQuery builder in Webflow further enhances interaction creation. For example, using the "one click" action to target a class allows us to toggle a class on and off with a single click, providing efficient control over interactions.

Implementing Interactions

In this example:

  • Odd dots trigger an "x move" class for left and right movement.
  • Even dots trigger a "y move" class for up and down movement.
  • Sibling dots are hidden by toggling a "hide dot" class.
  • Paragraph text is displayed by toggling a "show p" class.
  • Image scaling is achieved by adding specific position classes like "position one" using the jQuery builder.

Advantages of the Method

This method offers flexibility, especially for adjusting layouts across different breakpoints, such as mobile devices. By adding or adjusting classes, elements can be repositioned without the need for creating new interactions, enhancing overall efficiency.

Possibilities and Customization

The approach of adding and removing classes unlocks possibilities not easily achievable with traditional Webflow interactions. For example, triggering interactions on non-direct-sibling elements, as demonstrated in the example of clicking a button to show corresponding paragraph text.

Tutorial Conclusion

If you found this tutorial helpful and are eager for more advanced jQuery lessons, consider checking out the Patreon page for additional lessons and exclusive access to a slack channel for web design enthusiasts.

In conclusion, learning to create interactions in Webflow using the new jQuery builder and adding/removing classes allows for increased flexibility, efficiency, and customization in web design projects. With this knowledge, designers can elevate their skills and create more dynamic and engaging web experiences using Webflow.