Customizing Pagination Elements in Webflow: Beginner's CSS Guide

Published on
November 11, 2020

A Beginner's Guide to Customizing Pagination Elements in Webflow

If you're new to Webflow and looking to create and customize pagination elements for your website, you're in the right place. In this tutorial, we'll show you how to further customize the pagination elements using basic CSS and the Webflow designer. We'll start by inspecting the existing pagination elements using the browser's developer tools and then make some customizations. Let's dive in!

Understanding the JavaScript Options

Before we start customizing the pagination element, it's essential to understand the available JavaScript options. These options allow you to customize the pagination's background color, active background color, text color, active text color, and border color.

However, if you want to take the customization a step further, we'll show you how to use CSS to make changes and create a unique look for your pagination element.

Identifying the Pagination Classes

To get started, let's familiarize ourselves with the classes that make up the pagination element. In the JavaScript, there are options to create the default pagination, and in the CSS, we'll be working with two main classes: fs-pagination and fs-pagination ul li a.

The fs-pagination class is the primary class for the pagination element, while the fs-pagination ul li a class is a nested element that represents an unordered list, list items, and links, allowing us to target specific elements within the pagination structure.

Inspecting and Customizing the Pagination Element

Now, let's use the browser's developer tools to inspect the pagination element and make some customizations. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Right-click on the pagination element on your website and select "Inspect" to open the browser's developer tools.

  2. Upon inspecting the element, you'll notice that as you hover over different elements, they will light up, allowing you to see the classes and styles applied to each one.

  3. Start by exploring the styles applied to the fs-pagination class. Here, you can experiment with adding new styles, such as changing the font size, and see the live updates within the inspector.

  4. Once you're satisfied with the changes, you can copy the CSS code from the inspector and paste it into the Webflow designer, specifically targeting the fs-pagination class.

  5. For nested elements such as the ul li a structure, you can similarly inspect the styles and make adjustments, such as modifying the padding, background color, and text color.

Addressing Priority in Styling

After making the CSS customizations, it's important to note that styles applied through the library may take priority over the custom styles we've added. To ensure that our custom styles take precedence, we can use the !important rule in our CSS declarations.

For example, if we want to prioritize the padding we've set over the library styling, we can add the !important rule to our padding declaration to ensure it's applied as intended.

Adding Hover States

In addition to customizing the default styles, you may want to add a hover effect to the pagination elements. Similar to the previous customizations, you can use the inspector to test the hover styles, and then apply the desired hover effect using CSS in Webflow.

By adding CSS for the hover state, you can change properties like background color to create an interactive experience for users as they hover over the pagination links.

Finalizing and Publishing the Custom Styles

Once you've made all the necessary customizations in the Webflow designer, it's crucial to save and publish your changes to ensure they are reflected in the live website. By publishing the updated styles, you can verify that the custom pagination design and hover effects are working as intended.

If at any point you encounter issues with the styles not taking effect, remember to check for conflicting styles and use the !important rule as needed to prioritize your customizations.


In conclusion, customizing pagination elements in Webflow involves leveraging the built-in classes, understanding the structure of the pagination elements, making CSS customizations, addressing styling priority, and adding interactive hover states. By following these steps, you can enhance the look and functionality of your pagination elements to better suit your website's design and user experience.

If you're new to inspecting and customizing elements using CSS, this tutorial provides a beginner-friendly introduction to the process. Always remember to test your customizations, save your changes, and publish your updates to see the live results on your website.

We hope this guide has been helpful in empowering you to customize pagination elements in Webflow. If you have further questions or need assistance, feel free to explore more resources on Webflow or reach out to the Webflow community for support. Happy designing!

That's it for our beginner's guide to customizing pagination elements in Webflow. We hope you found this tutorial useful as you explore the world of web design and development with Webflow. Good luck with your future projects!