Customize Webflow Rich Text with Sweet Text: Beginner's Guide

Published on
September 10, 2020

A Beginner's Guide to Customizing Webflow Rich Text with Sweet Text

If you're looking to add interactive and dynamic elements to your Webflow website, Sweet Text is an excellent tool to consider. In this article, we'll guide you through the process of customizing Webflow rich text using Sweet Text. Sweet Text allows you to utilize third-party JavaScript libraries to add custom effects and functionality to your website's text elements. We'll specifically focus on integrating jQuery UI Draggable to create draggable text elements within a rich text block.

Getting Started with Sweet Text

Before we dive into the customization process, it's important to understand the basic concepts of integrating Sweet Text with your Webflow project. Sweet Text works by allowing you to add classes to the rich text elements within your Webflow design. These classes can then be targeted and manipulated using JavaScript libraries, such as jQuery UI for creating draggable text.

Let's begin by outlining the steps involved in customizing Webflow rich text with Sweet Text.

Step 1: Add Sweet Text to Your Webflow Project

To get started, you'll need to add the Sweet Text script to your Webflow project. Follow these steps to integrate Sweet Text:

  1. Log in to your Webflow account and open the project where you want to customize the rich text.
  2. Navigate to the Project Settings and select the Custom Code tab.
  3. In the Footer Code section, paste the following script:
<script src=""></script>

This script is essential for enabling Sweet Text functionality within your project.

Step 2: Add jQuery UI Draggable Library

Next, you'll need to include the jQuery UI Draggable library to enable the draggable functionality for text elements. Follow these steps to add the library:

  1. In the same Footer Code section of your project settings, add the following script:
<script src=""></script>

By adding this script, you're including the necessary jQuery UI library to interact with the draggable elements within your rich text.

Once you've completed these initial setup steps, you're ready to move on to customizing the rich text with Sweet Text.

Customizing Rich Text with Sweet Text

With Sweet Text and the jQuery UI Draggable library added to your Webflow project, it's time to apply these features to your rich text elements. Follow the steps below to create draggable text within a rich text block using Sweet Text:

Step 3: Applying Classes to Rich Text

In your Webflow Designer, locate the rich text element where you want to enable draggable text. Once you've identified the rich text block, follow these steps:

  1. Select the rich text element on the canvas.
  2. In the Add class field in the right-hand panel, enter a class name such as "drag-me" to apply to the rich text element.

By applying the "drag-me" class to the rich text, you're preparing the text for interaction with the jQuery UI Draggable library.

Step 4: Adding JavaScript Function for Draggable Text

To make the text draggable within the rich text block, you'll need to add a custom JavaScript function that targets the "drag-me" class. Here's how you can achieve this using Sweet Text:

  1. In the Webflow Designer, go to the Custom Code tab under Page Settings for the specific page where the rich text block is located.
  2. Within the Before tag section, add the following JavaScript function:
<script>  $('.drag-me').draggable();</script>

This function utilizes the "drag-me" class applied through Sweet Text to enable the jQuery UI Draggable functionality for the designated text element.

Step 5: Preview and Interact with Draggable Text

Once you've completed the previous steps, it's time to preview the live site and interact with the draggable text. Here's what you can do:

  1. Save your changes in Webflow and publish the site.
  2. Open the live site in a web browser and locate the rich text block with the "drag-me" class applied.
  3. Click and drag the text element to move it around the page, demonstrating the draggable functionality enabled through Sweet Text and jQuery UI.

Advanced Possibilities with Sweet Text

Beyond creating draggable text, Sweet Text opens up a range of advanced possibilities for enhancing interactivity and visualization within your Webflow project. Here are a few ideas for taking your rich text customization to the next level:

1. CMS Integration

If your Webflow project utilizes the CMS functionality, you can apply Sweet Text classes to dynamic content, enabling dynamic interactions and visual effects based on the CMS data.

2. Custom Effects and Functionality

Explore integrating other third-party JavaScript libraries to add custom effects and functionality to your rich text elements. For example, you could incorporate libraries for animations, dynamic typography, or interactive navigation within the text.

3. Interactive Word and Letter Manipulation

Utilize JavaScript to create interactive word or letter manipulation within the rich text. You can explore functionalities such as creating drop zones and allowing users to drag specific words or letters into these zones for dynamic interactions.

By leveraging Sweet Text and JavaScript libraries, you have the potential to create visually engaging and interactive rich text content on your Webflow site.


In this beginner's guide, we've covered the process of customizing Webflow rich text with Sweet Text, specifically focusing on the integration of jQuery UI Draggable for creating draggable text elements. By applying classes to rich text and utilizing JavaScript libraries, you can enhance the interactivity and visual appeal of text elements within your Webflow project.

Remember to explore the possibilities that Sweet Text offers, such as CMS integration, custom effects, and interactive manipulations, to further elevate the user experience on your website. With these tools at your disposal, you can take your web design skills to new heights and create compelling, dynamic content that captivates your audience.