Customize Webflow Rich Text: Style & Script Tips for Sweet Text

Published on
September 10, 2020

How to Customize Webflow Rich Text with Sweet Text

Are you looking to take your web design skills to the next level? Webflow is a powerful tool for designing and building websites, and in this tutorial, we'll show you how to customize Webflow rich text using Sweet Text.

Sweet Text is a feature in Webflow that allows users to add classes anywhere inside a rich text element. By default, Sweet Text uses span tags to wrap your content, give it a class, and apply styles. However, there are cases where you may need to target the parent element or another specific element within the rich text that cannot be done with a simple span tag.

In this tutorial, we'll cover how to style a list, style a list item, and use default Sweet Text spans to apply additional styles. Let's dive in and see how to do this using Webflow.

  1. Structure of the Rich Text Block

In Webflow, the rich text block can be customized using Sweet Text. It's important to understand the structure of the rich text block before applying any custom styles. A typical rich text block may contain elements such as lists, paragraphs, headings, and more. Understanding the structure will help in applying classes and styles effectively.

  1. Styling List Items

Let's start by styling a list and its items using Sweet Text in Webflow. When working with lists, it's essential to apply styles to the list element and its individual items. In this example, we'll be creating a list with customized styles using Sweet Text.

  1. Applying Classes to the Structure

To apply classes using Sweet Text, we'll create classes like "li text alt," "li element alt," and "ul element alt" to style the list, list items, and additional text inside the list items. This will allow us to customize the formatting of the lists and their elements just the way we want.

  1. Adding Classes Using Sweet Text Script

To add classes with Sweet Text, we'll use the Sweet Text script in Webflow. This script will help us target specific elements within the rich text block and apply the necessary classes. Using the script, we'll add classes like "li text alt" to italicize the text, "li element alt" to style the list item, and "ul element alt" to style the entire list.

  1. Understanding the Logic

The logic behind adding classes with Sweet Text is straightforward. By targeting specific elements and their children or parents, we can gain full control over the classes inside the rich text element. This logic allows for precise customization of paragraph elements, headings, and more within the rich text.

  1. Using Inspector for Visualization

If you're interested in visualizing the structure and styles applied through Sweet Text, the Webflow Inspector tool can be incredibly useful. With the Inspector, you can inspect the classes, styles, and the overall structure of the rich text block to see how the classes are applied.


In conclusion, learning how to customize Webflow rich text using Sweet Text is a valuable skill for web designers and developers. By understanding the structure of the rich text block, applying classes using Sweet Text, and using the script to add custom styles, you can enhance the appearance and functionality of your websites built with Webflow. If you have any questions or need further assistance with using Sweet Text in Webflow, don't hesitate to reach out for help. Mastering Sweet Text will allow you to take full control over the styling and customization of rich text elements in your web designs.