CSS Tricks for Webflow: Enhance Website Designs with Dynamic Styling

Published on
April 17, 2021

Top CSS Tricks for Webflow: A Beginner's Guide

If you're looking to enhance your Webflow skills and take your website designs to the next level, understanding and implementing CSS tricks is essential. In this tutorial, we'll explore some top CSS tricks that you can use within Webflow to create dynamic and visually appealing designs. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced Webflow user, these tricks will help you improve the aesthetics and functionality of your website.

Trick 1: Inheriting Font Color for Line Element

Let's start with a straightforward yet effective CSS trick in Webflow. If you want a line element to inherit its font color from its parent, you can achieve this using a simple CSS code snippet within Webflow.

Step 1: Select the Line Element and Its Parent

In your Webflow project, identify the line element for which you want to inherit the font color from its parent.

Step 2: Copy the Class of the Line Element

Once you have selected the line element, copy its class as you'll need it for the next step.

Step 3: Add CSS Using an Embed

Now, add an embed element on the page where your line element is located. Inside the open and closing style tags of the embed, paste the class of the line element that you copied earlier.

Step 4: Set the Background Color to Inherit

Inside the style tags, set the background color of the line element to inherit the font color using the following CSS snippet:

.your-line-element-class {  background-color: currentColor;}

This code ensures that the background color of the line element will change automatically when the font color of its parent changes.

Step 5: Preview the Interaction

After adding the CSS snippet, preview the web page to see how the background color of the line element changes along with its parent's font color.

Trick 2: Applying Border Radius to Multiple Elements

When you want multiple UI elements to share the same border radius without applying individual classes, you can achieve this through CSS targeting within Webflow.

Step 1: Add an Embed and Style Tags

To begin, add an embed element to the page and insert open and closing style tags inside it.

Step 2: Target Elements with a Specific Keyword

In the style tags, target all elements containing a specific keyword in their class names. For example, if you want to apply a border radius to elements with the word "radius" in their class names, use the following CSS code:

[class*="radius"] {  border-radius: 0.8em;}

By using this CSS snippet, any element with the word "radius" in its class name will automatically have the specified border radius applied.

To ensure that links inherit their font color from their parent and provide a workaround for overriding the colors, you can utilize CSS in Webflow.

Similar to the previous tricks, add an embed element to the web page and insert the open and closing style tags inside it.

Within the style tags, set the color of all links to inherit their font color using the following CSS snippet:

a {  color: inherit;}

Now, when the parent's font color changes, the links will automatically inherit that color. Additionally, you can still use combo classes to override the font colors if needed.

Trick 4: Styling Siblings Using Webflow Pagination

Webflow pagination elements provide an opportunity to style siblings dynamically based on the active class. Here's how you can achieve this using CSS within Webflow.

Step 1: Target Elements with Sibling Classes

Add an embed element to the page and insert the open and closing style tags inside it.

Step 2: Style Sibling Elements Based on the Active Class

Within the style tags, write CSS to target the sibling elements based on the active class. For example, if you want all siblings after the active dot to have reduced opacity, use the following CSS snippet:

.w-slider-dot.w-active ~ .w-slider-dot {  opacity: 0.3;}

After applying this CSS, all the siblings following the active dot will have their opacity reduced, creating a dynamic visual effect within the pagination.

If you have sticky links that need to dynamically change appearance based on their visibility, you can use CSS targeting to achieve this effect in Webflow.

Once again, utilize an embed element on the web page and insert the open and closing style tags inside it.

With CSS, target the current link and its sibling links to apply dynamic styling. For example, if you want to reduce the opacity of links following the current link, use the following CSS snippet:

.trickslink.w--current ~ .trickslink {  opacity: 0.2;}

By using this CSS code within Webflow, you ensure that links following the current link have reduced opacity, providing a dynamic visual experience as users scroll through the page.

Trick 6: Controlling Nav Line Display

In the context of navigation elements, you can control the display of a line element based on the active page or link using CSS targeting in Webflow.

Step 1: Default Nav Line Settings

Start by setting the nav line image to display none by default within Webflow.

Step 2: Use Combo Classes for Dynamic Styling

Within an embed element on the page, inside the open and closing style tags, target the current page's nav link to display the nav line. You can achieve this using the following CSS:

.navlink.w--current .navline {  display: block;}

By implementing this CSS trick, you can ensure that the nav line is displayed only within the current page's nav link, offering a visually appealing navigation experience.


In conclusion, integrating CSS tricks within Webflow can significantly enhance the visual appeal and functionality of your websites. Whether you're looking to create dynamic visual effects, ensure font color consistency, or style elements based on their position or visibility, CSS targeting in Webflow offers a multitude of design possibilities. By mastering these CSS tricks, you can take your Webflow projects to new heights, creating engaging and seamless user experiences.