Creating a Unique Column Grid Layout for CMS Collections in Webflow: A Step-by-Step Guide

Published on
February 1, 2022

How to Create a Unique Column Grid for a CMS Collection in Webflow

Are you looking to create a unique layout for a CMS collection in Webflow? Perhaps you want to design a grid layout that doesn't rely on traditional columns or grids, similar to a Pinterest style grid. In this tutorial, we'll explore how to achieve this unique layout using Webflow's features without code.

Creating a Pinterest-style Grid

Creating a layout that resembles a Pinterest-style grid, where items sit naturally under each other in as many columns as desired, can be an engaging and visually appealing way to present content on your website. Let's dive into how you can achieve this effect within Webflow.

Utilizing Flexibility of Webflow

The standard methods of using flexbox columns or a plain old grid might not provide the flexibility needed to achieve the desired layout. However, Webflow offers a simple trick to create this unique column grid layout without the need for complex coding or workarounds.

Set Up the CMS Collection

First, ensure you have the CMS collection selected. In the style settings, navigate to the typography section. Within the typography settings, look for the "More Type Options" option.

Adjusting the Number of Columns

In the "More Type Options" section, you can specify the number of columns you want for your grid. You can set it to 2 columns, 3 columns, or any number of columns you prefer. For our example, let's set it to 2 columns.

Customizing the Columns

Upon setting up the number of columns, you'll notice that the columns are already working as intended. Next, you can further customize the grid layout by adjusting the gap between the columns to better suit your content. This ensures that the grid spacing complements the content being displayed.

Adding Dividers

For an extra touch of visual appeal, you have the option to add a divider between the columns. This feature can enhance the presentation of your content, but it's optional based on your design preferences.

Responsive Adjustments

As your design responds to different screen sizes, you have the flexibility to modify the column layout to better suit various screen sizes. For instance, you can minimize the gap between columns on tablet view and transition to a single column layout on mobile devices for optimal responsiveness.

Finalizing the Layout

With these adjustments, you have successfully created a unique and visually engaging column grid for your CMS collection. Whether you're looking to emulate a Pinterest-style grid or simply enhance the layout of your project, this approach offers a simple and effective way to achieve your design goals.


Webflow's intuitive features allow for the creation of intricate layouts without the need for complex coding. By leveraging the typography settings and utilizing the number of columns option, you can effortlessly design a distinctive column grid for your CMS collection. Whether you're building a website for a client or working on a personal project, this method offers a practical solution for achieving a visually appealing layout.

We hope this tutorial has provided you with valuable insights into creating unique column grids for CMS collections in Webflow. If you have any questions or suggestions for future tutorials, feel free to share them in the comments below. Thank you for watching, and we look forward to sharing more Webflow tips with you in the future!