Creating a Responsive Portfolio Page in Webflow: Designing for Desktops, Tablets, and Mobile Devices

Published on
January 22, 2021

Creating a Responsive Portfolio Page in Webflow

When creating a portfolio website, it's crucial to ensure that the design not only appears great on desktop but also on other devices such as tablets, mobiles in landscape and portrait modes, and even larger breakpoints. In this tutorial, we'll explore how to ensure a portfolio page is responsive across various devices using Webflow without having to write a single line of code.

Desktop View

Before moving forward, it's essential to ensure that the portfolio design looks good on a desktop. By testing the responsiveness and fluidity, we can make adjustments. Checking the container, responsive grids, images, and the contact form and footer section is crucial. This involves ensuring that the content is neatly organized and bound towards the center with consistent margins and padding, and that all elements resize as expected.

Tablet View

Moving on to the tablet view, it's crucial to ensure that the design remains visually centered, which may require adjustments to padding and image sizing. It's also important to consider the layout of elements such as project types, ensuring they are displayed and aligned optimally to make the best use of the limited space available.

On tablet views, it's important to review both visual aspects, such as image responsiveness, and functional aspects, such as the height of elements like other projects, to ensure they are visually appealing and fully functional regardless of the device on which they are being viewed.

Mobile Landscape View

In the mobile landscape view, adjustments to padding, image sizing, and layout may be necessary to accommodate the reduced screen real estate. For example, reducing the image height, modifying the grid structure, and adjusting spacing can help optimize the layout for smaller screens, ensuring a seamless and visually appealing user experience.

Mobile Portrait View

In the mobile portrait view, additional adjustments may be required to enhance the user experience. This might involve further reducing image heights, adjusting font sizes, and optimizing tap targets for elements like project links to ensure they are easily accessible on smaller touch screens.

Larger Breakpoints

Finally, it's essential to consider the design's performance on larger displays. By adjusting the container size, image dimensions, and layout proportions, we can ensure a visually pleasing and balanced presentation across a wide range of screen sizes.

Testing and Fine-Tuning Across Devices

Throughout the process, it's crucial to continuously test the design's responsiveness and fluidity across various devices, using Webflow’s built-in tools to simulate the appearance and functionality on different screen sizes. By making use of design elements like flexbox and adjusting properties such as padding, sizing, and layout, we can create a seamless and visually appealing portfolio page that adapts to the user's device, whether they are viewing it on a large monitor or a mobile device.


By incorporating responsive design principles and leveraging the capabilities of Webflow, we have successfully created a visually appealing and fully functional portfolio page that adapts to a wide range of devices. With a focus on responsiveness and fluidity, we have optimized the layout, appearance, and user experience across desktops, tablets, and mobile devices, ensuring that our portfolio is accessible and engaging for all users.

In conclusion, Webflow provides a powerful platform for creating responsive and visually appealing websites without the need for extensive coding knowledge. By utilizing its design tools and features, designers can craft seamless and adaptive web pages that deliver an exceptional user experience across various devices. Whether it's adjusting padding, resizing images, or optimizing layouts, Webflow empowers designers to create stunning, responsive websites that captivate and engage users across different screen sizes.