Creating a Countdown on a Collection Page in Webflow: Step-by-Step Tutorial for Dynamic User Engagement

Published on
November 8, 2020

Creating a Countdown on a Collection Page in Webflow

In this tutorial, we will cover how to create a countdown on a collection page in Webflow. This feature allows a countdown to begin when users scroll to the bottom of a collection page, and upon reaching the end of the countdown, it automatically redirects users to the next collection page. We will also discuss how to enhance this countdown interaction with custom animations using Webflow interactions.

Implementing the Countdown

To implement the countdown feature on a collection page in Webflow, follow these steps:

  1. Adding Custom Code
  • To begin, you will need to add a bit of premium custom code to your Webflow project. This code will be responsible for starting the countdown and redirecting users once the countdown ends. You can obtain this custom code by purchasing it and then adding it to the "Page Settings" in the "Closing Body Tag" section.
  1. Assigning an ID to the Countdown Element
  • Next, you will need to assign an ID to an element where the countdown will be displayed. This can be a paragraph or a heading. In this case, the ID assigned is "tricks count". The code relies on this element to determine the countdown duration.
  1. Defining the Trigger Element
  • You need to define a trigger element that determines when the countdown will start. This trigger can be situated at the bottom of the collection page and should also have an ID, such as "tricks next". This trigger can be a small, absolutely positioned element at the bottom of the page.
  1. Adding a Collection List
  • Drag a collection list onto the page. This list can be sorted in any order and is responsible for finding the next item in the collection to redirect users once the countdown ends.
  1. Assigning a Class to Collection Items
  • Each collection item needs to be assigned a class. In this example, the class is named "trix item". The code will filter through all the items and remove all of them except the next one once the countdown is complete.
  1. Adding a Link Block
  • Inside each collection item, drag a link block. This link should be linked to the current collection item. Once the countdown ends, this link will redirect users to the next collection item page.

Customizing the Countdown Interaction

With the basic setup in place, you can further enhance the countdown interaction with custom animations and transitions using Webflow interactions. Here's how you can add a custom animation to the countdown interaction:

  1. Adding Interactions
  • Select the trigger element, which, in this case, is the trigger for the countdown code.
  1. Defining Interaction Triggers
  • Add an interaction to the trigger element, selecting "Scroll into view" as the interaction trigger.
  1. Customizing Animations
  • Apply animations and transitions to elements when the trigger is activated and deactivated. For example, you can add a Lottie animation that signifies the countdown process. Additionally, you can fade out the countdown element and other page elements to create a seamless transition effect when the countdown ends.

Testing the Countdown Interaction

After setting up the countdown interaction and custom animations, you can publish your Webflow project to test the functionality. Upon scrolling down to the bottom of the collection page on the live site, the countdown will start. Once the countdown ends, users will be redirected to the next collection page seamlessly.

By following these steps and customizing the interaction with Webflow's built-in animations, you can create a dynamic and engaging experience for users navigating through your collection pages.

We hope this tutorial helps you implement a countdown interaction on your collection pages in Webflow. For more tutorials and tips on Webflow and web design, subscribe to our channel for future updates. Thank you for watching!