Create a Plus-Minus Number Counter in Webflow: Step-by-Step Tutorial

Published on
August 20, 2019

How to Create a Plus-Minus Number Counter in Webflow

Are you looking to add a plus-minus number counter to your Webflow form? This handy feature allows users to increment or decrement numbers within an input field. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the process of building a plus-minus number counter in Webflow.

Live Example and Functionality

Let's start by understanding what the plus-minus number counter does. In the live example, you can see that clicking on the up and down buttons will increment or decrement the number inside the Webflow native form. You can also manually enter a value and submit the form.

Applying Classes in Webflow Designer

In the Webflow Designer, we will apply classes to the up button, down button, and input field.

  1. Up Button : Apply the class hack16-counter-button with an additional class of hack16-up .
  2. Down Button : Apply the class hack16-counter-button with an additional class of hack16-down .
  3. Input Field : Apply the class hack16-counter-input to the input field.

It's important to note that the buttons don't have to be traditional buttons or links; they can be any div element styled to your preference.

Breaking Down the Code

Let's now breakdown the JavaScript used to achieve the plus-minus number counter functionality.

// Before the closing body tag, insert the following script:<script>  let X = 0; // Declare and initialize X as 0  // Managing the Count Up  $('.hack16-up').on('click', function() {    $('.hack16-counter-input').val(++X); // Increment and set a new value to the input field  });  // Managing the Count Down  $('.hack16-down').on('click', function() {    if (X > 0) {      $('.hack16-counter-input').val(--X); // Decrement and update the input field value    }  });</script>

The script starts by declaring and initializing X as 0, which serves as the starting point for the incrementing and decrementing functionality. The hack16-up class is targeted to manage the count up, and on click, the input field value is incremented using ++X , which is shorthand for X = X + 1 . Similarly, the hack16-down class is targeted to manage the count down. An if statement is used to check if the current value is greater than 0 before decrementing the input field value using --X , which is shorthand for X = X - 1 .

Customizing the Functionality

If you wish to allow counting down to negative numbers, you can remove the if statement from the count down section of the code.


This tutorial has walked you through the process of creating a plus-minus number counter in Webflow. By applying classes and using JavaScript, you can enable users to increment or decrement numbers within an input field on your Webflow form. Remember, Webflow allows for extensive customization and functionality without needing to write complex code. If you are interested in exploring more hacks and tutorials like this, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for the latest updates and visit Finn sweet for more Webflow resources.

Now that you have learned how to create a plus-minus number counter, why not apply this to your own Webflow projects? Happy designing!