Connect Memberstack and Webflow: A Step-by-Step Guide with Zapier Integration

Published on
February 28, 2020

How to Connect Memberstack and Webflow Using Zapier

Welcome to lesson three where we will delve into setting up a member collection inside of Webflow and using Zapier to send new member sign-ups from Memberstack to Webflow to create a collection item. In lessons one and two, we set up Memberstack, so now it's time to connect all the pieces together.

Setting Up a Member Collection in Webflow

The first step is to create a new collection in Webflow. To do this, log in to Webflow and navigate to the Collections tab. Click on "Add Collection" and name it "Members." Inside this collection, we want to capture all the essential information collected on signup - first name, last name, and email address.

Add fields for first name, last name, and email address to the collection. It's essential to note that you don't want to store the password as Memberstack handles this securely. Once the fields are added, go ahead and create the collection.

Setting up Zapier with Memberstack

The next step is to set up Zapier to work with Memberstack. If you haven't already, sign up for a Zapier account. Then, head over to Memberstack and click on "Power-Ups and Integrations" and select Zapier. Click on the invite link to add Memberstack to your Zapier account.

After accepting the invite, reveal your API key. This key will be used to connect to Memberstack via Zapier. Create a new Zap in Zapier and search for Memberstack. Select the trigger as "New Member" so that when a new member signs up, it triggers an action.

Once you choose your account and test the connection, you'll see the member data pulled into Zapier. This step ensures that Zapier is correctly fetching data from Memberstack.

Connecting Memberstack to Webflow through Zapier

After testing Memberstack, the next step is to send the member data over to Webflow. Search for Webflow in Zapier and select "Create Live Item" as the action. This ensures that the new member data is automatically added to the Webflow collection without requiring a site publish.

To set up the Webflow action, you'll need to add your Webflow account and API key. The API key can be found in your project settings under API access. Once the Webflow account is set up, select the site and specify the collection where the member data should be added.

Mapping Member Data to Webflow Collection Fields

When setting up the Webflow action, you'll need to map the member data fields from Memberstack to the corresponding fields in the Webflow collection. Map the first name, last name, and email address fields from Memberstack to the respective fields in the Webflow collection.

Additionally, define the name and slug fields. Use the member ID from Memberstack as the slug to ensure it's a unique identifier. Finally, set the status as live to ensure the new member data is immediately available. After mapping the fields, test the action to ensure the data is successfully sent to Webflow.

Updating Memberstack with Webflow Data

After adding the member data to the Webflow collection, the next step is to update Memberstack with the Webflow item ID. This ensures that the data is synchronized between Memberstack and Webflow. Add a new action in Zapier to update the member in Memberstack with the Webflow item ID. Test this action to confirm that Memberstack is updated with the Webflow item ID.

Testing the Integration

Once the setup is complete, it's essential to test the entire integration to ensure that new member sign-ups are seamlessly transferred from Memberstack to Webflow. Test the integration by signing up a new member in Memberstack and ensuring that the data is accurately reflected in the Webflow collection as well as within Memberstack.

By following these steps, you can effectively connect Memberstack and Webflow using Zapier. This integration allows for seamless data transfer between the two platforms, ensuring that member sign-ups are efficiently managed and reflected in the Webflow collections. Stay tuned for the next lesson where we'll explore setting up your table.