Building Serverless To-Do Application API Endpoints with Cloudflare Workers and Webflow

Published on
May 5, 2023

Creating an API endpoint for a to-do application in Webflow

In a previous stream, the basics of creating and deploying a Cloudflare Worker were discussed. The concept of serverless and edge computing was explained, and it was demonstrated how to build APIs using simple JavaScript or Cloudflare Workers. Additionally, a router grid was implemented. Now, the focus is on implementing various API endpoints for a to-do application. The aim is to create a basic to-do application and understand the fundamentals of building a backend API and consuming it from the front end.

The goals for this session include creating a GET endpoint that returns the to-dos for a single user, splitting the to-dos by users, creating an endpoint for posting new to-dos, implementing a basic UI with a form for users to submit and list existing to-dos, adding an endpoint for editing to-dos using the PUT method, implementing the edit feature in the UI, and adding an endpoint for deleting to-dos along with a corresponding UI button to trigger the deletion action.

Setting up the Cloudflare Worker and KV store

To begin, it's important to have a Cloudflare Worker set up. By using the Cloudflare CLI, one can easily deploy a Worker by running a single command. Once deployed, the Worker runs on the edge, which means it is synchronized with the local host. This allows for testing the Worker in a real V8 isolate in Cloudflare's production environment. The KV store, a key-value data store, is also an essential component. It helps store and retrieve data within the Worker. In the demonstration, a KV namespace called "stream-to-dos" is utilized. In this namespace, data is stored using unique user IDs and to-do IDs as keys. The data is stored as JSON strings, representing the to-do items.

Creating a GET endpoint for fetching to-dos

Using the Cloudflare Workers' routing capabilities, an endpoint is created for fetching to-dos for a specific user. By leveraging wildcard routing in the framework, a route pattern is established that allows for dynamic retrieval of user IDs from the request URL. Once the user ID is extracted, it is then used to query the KV store and fetch the to-do items associated with that user. The retrieved to-do items are returned as a JSON response.

Creating a POST endpoint for adding new to-dos

Another endpoint is added to facilitate the addition of new to-dos for users. This involves receiving form data from the front end and processing it on the server side. The received data is validated, and a unique ID is generated for the new to-do item. The to-do is then stored in the KV store, and the newly created to-do item is returned as a JSON response.

Integration with Webflow

In order to interact with the API endpoints, a basic user interface is created using Webflow. It includes a form for users to input new to-dos and a simple layout to display existing to-dos. The form fields are associated with the expected request parameters, enabling seamless integration with the API endpoints.

Submitting data from the UI to the API

The form in the Webflow interface is set up to make POST requests to the appropriate API endpoint. The action and method attributes of the form are configured to direct the form data to the POST endpoint within the Cloudflare Worker. Additionally, the input names are aligned with the expected request parameters, ensuring that the form data is submitted correctly.

Handling form data and server-side processing

Upon submission of the form, the form data is extracted in the Cloudflare Worker, and the necessary server-side processing is carried out. The received data is validated, and a unique ID is generated for the new to-do item. The to-do is then stored in the KV store, and the newly created to-do item is returned as a JSON response.

Focusing on user experience and performance

The demonstration emphasizes the simplicity and speed at which the to-do application is created using Cloudflare Workers and KV store. The seamless integration of the front-end user interface with the back-end API endpoints showcases the power and versatility of the platform. The efficient handling of form data submission and server-side processing highlights the benefits of serverless and edge computing in building robust web applications.


By creating API endpoints for a to-do application using Cloudflare Workers and integrating them with a web interface built in Webflow, the power and versatility of serverless and edge computing are demonstrated. The seamless interaction between the front-end and back-end components highlights the potential for rapid development and deployment of web applications. With the ability to handle form submissions, process data, and store information in the cloud, Cloudflare Workers and KV store provide a robust foundation for building dynamic and scalable web applications.