Building Fully Responsive Sections in Webflow: A Comprehensive Guide

Published on
January 24, 2022

Building a Fully Responsive Section in Webflow

In today's beginner-friendly tutorial, we'll cover how to build a fully responsive section using Webflow. We'll address the best time to use em, rem, pixel, and percentage units. Through this comprehensive guide, you'll master building out elements that adjust based on percentage and how to ensure font sizes increase when users change their preferences without affecting the graphical layouts on the site.

Getting Started with Webflow

To follow along with this tutorial, you can clone the cloneable available in the description below and clear out the classes to begin the step-by-step process of building a responsive section.

First, select the body and go to the body of all pages tag. Set the background color to black, the text color to white, and the font to 'pop-ins'. This will apply to all the elements on your page.

Now, let's start building our section by deleting all the elements inside the container and drag in an h1 heading. Remember to consider the width of the entire design when setting the font size. The design width is crucial in achieving accurate proportions for font size.

With the design width set at 1440 pixels and the heading size at 78 pixels, you can calculate the em font size. Utilize the wizardry style guide to input these values and set the line height and letter spacing accordingly for the correct proportions.

#Using EM and REM in Webflow
In Webflow, we use EMs and REms whenever we want the size of an element to be based on the user's font size preference. EMs are used for fluid elements that resize with the window width, while REMs are more suitable for fixed-size elements that don't resize with the window width.

For instance, paragraph font size can be set to 1rem, ensuring it doesn't scale with the browser width, whereas logo and button elements can be set as fluid elements based on the user's font size preference.

Building Responsive Elements

Let's start by creating a fluid logo by setting the size using EM values and ensuring it scales according to the user's font size preference. Similarly, we can create a fluid button element by setting the font size, margins, and other styles using EM values.

Utilizing Percentage-Based Sizing

To achieve a fully responsive layout, we need to use percentage-based sizing for certain elements. For example, the height of a div can be set to 100% without impacting the user's font size preference, while other elements can be sized based on a percentage of the available space within the parent.

To ensure that elements scale with the browser width, we can utilize percentage-based sizing for specific components, such as images and containers, to maintain a fluid and responsive design.

Implementing Flexbox in Webflow

Utilizing Flexbox in Webflow enables us to easily align and organize elements within a container. By applying Flexbox to a div, we can efficiently align items to the center and justify their position, ensuring a responsive layout that adapts to different screen sizes.

Creating Responsive Images and Graphics

In Webflow, we can create responsive images and graphics by using percentage-based sizing and position settings. By setting the dimensions of images and adjusting their position relative to their parent elements, we can achieve a fully responsive design that adapts to various screen sizes.

Responsive Design for Tablet and Mobile Devices

With Webflow, we can easily optimize our responsive design for tablet and mobile devices. By stacking elements vertically and adjusting their sizes and positions using percentage and EM values, we can ensure a seamless user experience across different devices.


In conclusion, Webflow provides a user-friendly interface and powerful tools for building fully responsive sections that adapt to various screen sizes and user preferences. By utilizing percentage-based sizing, EM, and REM units, as well as Flexbox and other layout features, designers and developers can create visually appealing and responsive websites without the need for extensive coding knowledge. We hope this tutorial has provided you with the necessary insights and skills to create your own fully responsive sections in Webflow.