Building a SaaS App with Webflow: A Step-by-Step Guide for Stripe and Auth0 Integration

Published on
June 30, 2023

Building a SaaS App with Webflow: A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating a SaaS (Software as a Service) application can be an exciting venture, and in this tutorial, we will make use of Webflow to build the front end. Throughout this guide, we'll finalize the integration of Stripe, a popular payment processing platform, and connect it with Auth0, allowing us to update user profiles based on subscription status.

Overview of the Tutorial

In this tutorial, we aim to finalize the series of a SaaS app that includes a To-Do feature. Our objective is to complete the integration with Stripe and connect it to our Auth0 integration. This will enable us to ensure that only users who have paid for a subscription can access premium features.

Initial Setup and Recap

Before we dive into the detailed implementation, let's review what we have done so far. At the start of the tutorial, we have a basic to-do app with form, login, and logout buttons. The previous streams have seen the creation of a payment form, resulting in successful payments. We've integrated Stripe, allowing us to track customer subscriptions. Now, our next steps are to listen for Stripe webhooks and use the events to update customer profiles in Auth0 based on their subscription statuses.

Exploring the Workflow and Setting Up Webhooks

Our first step is to set up the webhook endpoint on our backend to listen for events from Stripe. These webhooks will allow us to receive notifications when events such as customer subscription creation, update, or deletion occur. Knowing when users subscribe, cancel, or update their subscriptions is crucial, and Stripe will notify us about these events.

In our backend code, we create a new endpoint and tie it to the Stripe account. When an event occurs, it sends us a payload containing details about the specific event. From this payload, we extract the signature, ensuring that the event is from Stripe and has not been tampered with.

Additionally, we create a Stripe instance, retrieve the signature from the request headers, and verify it against the endpoint secret provided by Stripe. Once verified, we can inspect the event type and handle it accordingly. For testing purposes, we log the received events to ensure that the webhook endpoint is functioning as expected.

Connecting Stripe Events with Auth0 Profiles

Following the successful implementation of the webhook endpoint, our next task is to utilize these events to update customer profiles in Auth0, assigning different roles to users based on their subscription status.

Auth0 provides a management API that allows us to assign permissions and roles to users programmatically. In this case, we aim to assign premium roles to users who have successfully subscribed. This role assignment is a crucial step as it ensures that only paying users can access certain features of the app.

To achieve this, we make use of the Auth0 management API to update user roles based on Stripe events. Upon receiving a subscription created or updated event from Stripe, we extract the user ID and make an API call to update the user's role in Auth0, granting or revoking permissions as needed.

Finishing Touches and Testing

Once the integration of Stripe webhooks with Auth0 profiles is completed, it is essential to thoroughly test the workflow. We can create a test endpoint or trigger a test payment to ensure that the role updating process works seamlessly. By logging and inspecting the results, we confirm that the user roles are being updated as expected based on Stripe events.

After successful testing, the integration is ready to roll out, and it's time to finalize the SaaS application built with Webflow, Stripe, and Auth0. Users can now seamlessly pay for a subscription, and their access to premium features is automatically managed based on their subscription status.


In conclusion, we have successfully integrated Webflow, Stripe, and Auth0 to create a SaaS application with robust functionality. By leveraging the capabilities of webhooks and management APIs, we have ensured that user roles are dynamically updated based on subscription events, allowing for a seamless and secure experience for paying users.

The comprehensive integration of Stripe and Auth0 with Webflow has provided a solid foundation for building and scaling a SaaS application. Through this tutorial, beginners can learn to harness the power of no-code tools like Webflow to create feature-rich web applications that seamlessly integrate with payment processing and user management systems, opening up a world of possibilities for future development and growth.

Remember, the key to success is in meticulously testing the integration at every step, and with that, you are ready to unleash your SaaS application into the world with confidence and competence.

Good luck, and happy coding!