Building a Responsive Website Using Webflow: A Beginner's Guide to Web Design

Published on
July 1, 2021

A Comprehensive Guide to Building a Responsive Website Using Webflow

If you are a beginner and have never built a website before, this crash course will guide you through the process of creating your first responsive landing page using Webflow. This tutorial will cover the essential building blocks of a website, styling elements, creating responsive designs, using grids, and more. By the end of this guide, you will have a thorough understanding of how to create a fully functional and responsive web page using Webflow.

Understanding the Box Model in Web Design

All websites are composed of a series of boxes within boxes, a concept commonly referred to as the box model. The basic structure includes sections, containers, and div blocks. Sections are used to group related content on a page, and within each section, containers are used to keep the content centered and prevent it from becoming too wide. Finally, div blocks are additional boxes that group related content within a container.

Getting Started with Webflow

To start, you'll need to open your Webflow account and create a new project. This project will be a blank site where you can start building your landing page. You can then navigate to the designer view to begin adding elements and styling your page.

Adding Elements and Styling Text

Start by adding essential elements such as headings, paragraphs, buttons, and text links to your page. These will be the primary components that you will style. You can use the various classes available in Webflow to create consistent styles across different elements. For example, you can apply typography settings to the body element to affect the font styles throughout the entire page. Additionally, you can create and apply color swatches to maintain a consistent color scheme across the website.

Building the Hero Section

The hero section is typically the topmost section of a landing page and serves as an introduction to the website. In this section, you'll employ flexbox to center-align and justify the content. Furthermore, you will learn how to use negative margin to position elements and how to apply background images with the appropriate sizing and scaling to create visually appealing hero sections.

Creating Testimonial and Product Sections

You'll then move on to creating the testimonial and product sections. This process involves using grid layouts to display content in an organized and visually appealing manner. You will also learn how to leverage flexbox to align and justify content within individual grid items.

The next step is to design the footer and navigation bar. This includes adding copyright text and social media links, as well as implementing a responsive navigation bar using Webflow's fixed positioning and z-index properties to keep the navigation bar fixed at the top of the page while scrolling.

Making the Design Fully Responsive

An essential part of web design is ensuring that your site looks good on all devices. You will learn how to use Webflow's responsive design features to adjust the layout, typography, and spacing for different screen sizes, from desktop to mobile. This process involves modifying the styles of various elements at different breakpoints to ensure a seamless and consistent user experience across devices.


By following this comprehensive guide, you will have gained a thorough understanding of how to build a responsive landing page using Webflow. This crash course covers the fundamentals of web design, essential styling techniques, and the creation of fully responsive layouts for different devices. With the knowledge and skills acquired from this tutorial, you will be well-equipped to continue exploring and creating your own web designs using the Webflow platform.