Building a Homepage in Webflow: Step-by-Step Guide for Structuring, Styling, and Adding Content

Published on
January 15, 2021

Building a Homepage in Webflow: A Step-by-Step Guide

In this tutorial, we will walk you through the process of building a homepage using Webflow. The homepage will be built in several parts, with a clear objective and deliverables outlined for each lesson. We will emphasize on using HTML and CSS properties that would be used if creating the UI and UX work manually. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a structured hero section, text elements, the Body tag for the entire project, and a hero image area. Later sections will focus on transforming the homepage into a fully interactive animation.

Setting Up the Structure

We will start by setting up the primary structure of the homepage. We will navigate to the add panel and drag in a section element, which will be set to 100% width. Additionally, we will add a container within the section to neatly bound all the elements inside it.

Adding Text Elements

Following the structure setup, we will proceed to add text elements. We’ll start by adding a basic text block to the container. Double-click the text to edit and input “Welcome.” Additionally, we will add a heading underneath the text block, with content such as “I create meaningful digital experiences that work.”

Controlling Spacing

To ensure proper placement of the text elements, we will control the spacing around the section. By default, there is no padding on the section. We will add padding to the top and bottom, specifying the space inside the element's boundary. This will allow us to position the text elements precisely where we want them.

Styling Text Elements

We will then move on to configuring the Body (all pages) tag, which allows us to set defaults that will be inherited throughout the project. Here, we can change the default font, add new fonts, and customize the background color and text color for better legibility. We will also fine-tune the font styles, weights, and other properties for the text elements to achieve the desired look and feel.

Adding the Hero Image

With the text elements and basic styling in place, we will proceed to add the hero image. It is crucial to consider where to place the hero image. We will drag the image into the container, and then modify it to take up full width by placing it directly in the section itself. After adjusting its maximum width and positioning, we can ensure that the image spans the entire width of the page.

Before moving on to the portfolio of work and client projects, we will focus on building the site navigation. This will enhance the user experience by allowing easy access to different sections of the website. This involves setting up menu items, creating links, and ensuring proper functionality of the navigation bar.

Key Takeaways

By following this step-by-step tutorial, you will have learned how to structure a homepage, add text elements, style the text using the Body (all pages) tag, and incorporate a hero image. Additionally, you will gain insights into aligning the design with the project's objectives and ensuring a consistent and visually appealing layout.

Make sure to share your progress using #21DayPortfolio on social media, and stay tuned for more updates and tips as we continue building our website using Webflow. Happy designing!

Remember, this is just the beginning of a comprehensive 21-day course, and there’s always the opportunity to get ahead and showcase your work on Webflow University. Also, we encourage you to share your progress and creations with the community using the #21DayPortfolio hashtag on platforms like Twitter and Instagram. Throughout 2021, we’ll be highlighting some of the best work shared through this hashtag, so don’t miss out on this opportunity to showcase your skills!

In conclusion, with the use of Webflow, building a homepage becomes a streamlined and intuitive process. Whether you are new to web design or looking to enhance your skills, Webflow offers a user-friendly platform to create stunning and functional websites without the need for extensive coding knowledge. Start your journey today and unleash your creativity with Webflow!