Adding Interactions to Dynamic Slider in Webflow: CMS Library Tutorial

Published on
August 14, 2020

How to Add Interactions to a Dynamic Slider in Webflow

In this tutorial, we will cover how to add interactions to a dynamic slider created with the CMS library in Webflow. This tutorial assumes that you have already set up your slider using the CMS library in Webflow. We will focus specifically on adding interactions to the dynamic slider component.

Understanding the Slider Component

Before we get into adding interactions, let's understand the slider component in the Webflow CMS library. The slider component allows you to create a dynamic slider that can showcase various content such as projects, images, or any other items you want to display in a slider format. In this tutorial, we will learn how to add interactions to the dynamic slider to enhance its functionality and visual appeal.

Live Example Overview

To better understand how interactions can be applied to the dynamic slider, let's take a look at a live example. The live example demonstrates a dynamic slider with interactions applied to it. When hovering over each project within the slider, a mouse movement effect and an in and out effect are visible. This showcases how the interactions enhance the user experience within the dynamic slider.

Accessing the Slider Component in Webflow Designer

To begin adding interactions to the dynamic slider, we need to access the Webflow Designer. Within the Webflow Designer, locate the dynamic slider component that you have previously set up using the CMS library.

Slider Change Trigger

Once inside the Webflow Designer, select the slider slide within the dynamic slider component. Then, navigate to the "Interactions" panel to access the element trigger options. Here, you will find the option to add a "Slider Change" trigger. This trigger allows you to define interactions that occur when the slider changes from one item to another.

It's important to note that the slider change trigger should be applied at the class level. By applying it at the class level, any new slides added to the dynamic slider will automatically inherit the defined interactions. This ensures that the interactions are not limited to specific slides and will be applied universally across all slider items.

Mouse Move Over Element Interaction

Another interaction that can be added to the dynamic slider is the "Mouse Move Over Element" interaction. This interaction creates a visual effect when the user hovers over the slider items. Similar to the slider change trigger, the mouse move over element interaction should also be applied at the class level. Applying it at the class level ensures that all slider items inherit the interaction, providing a consistent user experience across the entire dynamic slider.

Applying Interactions at the Class Level

It is crucial to apply the interactions at the class level rather than the element level to ensure that all elements within the dynamic slider inherit the defined interactions. If the interactions are applied only at the element level, they will be restricted to specific items within the slider and won't be inherited by new slides added later.

By applying interactions at the class level, you are effectively creating a template for interactions that will be universally applied to all slider items, both existing and future additions. This ensures consistency and saves time by eliminating the need to manually add interactions to each new slide.

Testing Interactions

After applying the slider change trigger and the mouse move over element interaction at the class level, it's essential to preview the dynamic slider to ensure that the interactions are functioning as intended. By hovering over the slider items and navigating through the slides, you should observe the defined interactions being applied seamlessly to each item within the dynamic slider.


In conclusion, adding interactions to a dynamic slider created with the CMS library in Webflow is a straightforward process. By understanding the importance of applying interactions at the class level and utilizing triggers such as slider change and mouse move over element, you can enhance the user experience within the dynamic slider.

Remember to always apply the interactions at the class level to ensure that all slider items inherit the defined interactions. By doing so, you can create a cohesive and visually engaging dynamic slider that effectively showcases your content. With these interactions in place, users can enjoy a seamless and interactive experience when navigating through the dynamic slider.

By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can successfully add interactions to your dynamic slider and elevate the overall user experience within your Webflow project. Thank you for joining us in this tutorial, and we hope you find these insights valuable in creating and enhancing dynamic sliders in Webflow.