Is there a workaround for the issue of not being able to type spaces with the spacebar for rich-text elements in Editor mode on Webflow?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Yes, it is possible to work around the issue of not being able to type spaces with the spacebar for rich-text elements in Editor mode on Webflow. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Use Shift + Spacebar: Instead of using the spacebar alone, you can use the combination of Shift + Spacebar to input spaces in the rich-text elements. This keyboard shortcut will allow you to add spaces between words or sentences within the text element.

  2. Copy and paste a space character: Another workaround is to copy a space character ( ) from another source, such as a plain text editor or a website, and then paste it into the rich-text element in Webflow's Editor mode. This will insert a space where you want it within the text element.

  3. Use custom code to insert spaces: If you're comfortable with writing custom code, you can use HTML entities to insert spaces into the rich-text element. The HTML entity for a space is  . To add a space, you can open the HTML embed widget in Webflow's Designer, and then input   wherever you need a space within the rich-text element.

Please note that these workarounds are specific to the Editor mode in Webflow and are not necessary in the Designer mode, where you can type spaces with the spacebar as usual.

By following these steps, you can overcome the issue of not being able to type spaces with the spacebar for rich-text elements in Editor mode on Webflow.