Will Webflow be implementing a feature to allow client billing in currencies other than dollars, as promised by their CEO Vlad?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Will Webflow be implementing a feature to allow client billing in currencies other than dollars, as promised by their CEO Vlad?

Yes, Webflow has plans to implement a feature that will allow client billing in currencies other than dollars. In a statement made by Webflow CEO Vlad Magdalin, he mentioned that enabling multi-currency support is a top priority for the company. This would provide Webflow users with the ability to bill their clients in their local currency, making transactions more seamless and convenient.

Currently, Webflow only supports billing in US dollars (USD). However, given the global reach of Webflow's user base, the demand for multi-currency billing has been acknowledged and addressed by the company. Although an exact timeline for the release of this feature has not been provided, the commitment and intention from Webflow's CEO highlight their dedication to making this functionality available in the future.

By introducing multi-currency support, Webflow aims to enhance the user experience and cater to the diverse needs of its international customer base. This feature will enable users to specify their preferred currency for billing, ultimately streamlining financial transactions and reducing the need for currency conversions.

Overall, the Webflow team is actively working on implementing multi-currency billing, as promised by their CEO. Users can expect to see this feature rolled out in the coming updates, providing greater convenience and flexibility for billing clients in various currencies.

Additional Questions:

  1. Will Webflow charge any additional fees for multi-currency billing?
  2. Can I choose a default currency for my Webflow projects?
  3. What currencies will be supported in Webflow's multi-currency billing feature?