Will the custom code in my Webflow project continue to work even if my plan has expired but the code is still inside?

Published on
September 22, 2023

When your Webflow plan expires, you will lose access to certain features and services provided by Webflow, including the ability to publish your site to a custom domain. However, any custom code that you have added to your Webflow project will still remain intact within the project even if your plan has expired. This means that the code will continue to exist within your project, but you won't be able to publish or access the live version of your site until you renew your Webflow plan.

It's important to note that while the custom code will still be present in your project, its functionality may be limited if it relies on certain Webflow features or integrations that are only available with an active plan. Additionally, any dynamic elements or third-party services integrated into your site may not work properly without an active plan.

If you want to continue using the custom code on your live site, you will need to renew your Webflow plan so that you can publish your site and make it accessible to the public. Alternatively, you can export your Webflow project as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files and host it elsewhere, allowing you to maintain the functionality of your custom code even without an active Webflow plan.

In summary, the custom code in your Webflow project will remain inside the project even if your plan has expired, but you won't be able to publish or access the live version of your site until you renew your plan or export your project.

Additional Questions:

  1. Can I still edit my custom code in my Webflow project after my plan expires?
  2. What happens to my Webflow CMS content if my plan expires?
  3. Can I export my Webflow project and host it on another platform if my plan has expired?