Why is wow.js not working after linking it and adding it to an h1 on the page?

Published on
September 22, 2023

If wow.js is not working after linking it and adding it to an h1 on the page, there could be several reasons for this issue. Here are some troubleshooting steps to help you debug and identify the problem:

  1. Check if the wow.js library is properly linked: Ensure that you have included the wow.js library file in your HTML document. Verify that you have added the correct script tag with the src attribute pointing to the correct file location. Also, make sure you have placed the script tag before the closing body tag.

  2. Verify if you have added the necessary CSS class: wow.js requires you to add the wow class to the elements you want to animate. Double-check if you have added the wow class to the h1 element you mentioned. The syntax should be like this: <h1 class="wow">Your heading</h1> .

  3. Initialize the wow.js library: After including the wow.js library and adding the wow class to your element, you need to initialize the library to trigger the animations. To do this, add the following code snippet to your JavaScript file or an inline script tag:

<script>  new WOW().init();</script>

Make sure you have added this code below the link to the wow.js library.

  1. Check for any conflicting scripts or errors: Sometimes, there can be conflicts with other JavaScript libraries or errors in your custom code that prevent wow.js from working correctly. Inspect the browser console (usually accessible by right-clicking on the page and selecting "Inspect") and look for any error messages that may provide insights into the issue.

  2. Ensure CSS properties are properly set: wow.js animates elements by adding CSS classes. Make sure you have defined appropriate CSS properties and values for the elements to be animated. For example, if you want an h1 heading to fade in, you'll need to include CSS styles for the .wow.fadeIn class.

By following these steps, you should be able to troubleshoot the issue and determine why wow.js is not working as expected.

Additional Questions:

  1. How do I customize the animation effects in wow.js?
  2. Why are my wow.js animations not smooth?
  3. Can I use wow.js with other JavaScript libraries in my Webflow project?