Why is my slide not auto-playing when published and why are the slides sometimes moving too fast?

Published on
September 22, 2023

The issue of a slide not auto-playing or moving too fast can occur due to various reasons. Below are some possible causes along with their corresponding solutions to help resolve the problem:

  1. Animation interaction settings : Check if the animation interaction settings for the slide are properly configured. Make sure that the trigger for the slide animation is set to "Page Load" or an appropriate event that triggers the slide transition automatically.

  2. Autoplay settings : Verify if the autoplay feature is enabled for the slide component. To do this, select the slide component and navigate to the "Autoplay" section in the settings panel. Ensure that the autoplay duration is set to a suitable value, typically measured in milliseconds (e.g., 3000ms for a 3-second delay).

  3. Interactions conflicts : If you have other interactions on the page that may conflict with the slide's autoplay feature, such as scroll interactions, they could be causing interference. Check for any conflicting interactions and adjust their timing or disable them if necessary.

  4. Transition duration : The slide may appear to move too quickly due to a shorter transition duration. You can adjust the transition duration to make the slide movement smoother and more visually appealing. To do this, select the slide component, go to the "Transitions" section in the settings panel, and increase the transition duration.

  5. Animations overlapping : If you have multiple elements or animations on the slide that start simultaneously, they might happen too quickly and cause the slide to appear faster than intended. Adjust the timing of the slide elements and animations to avoid their overlapping and ensure a smoother transition.

  6. Browser or device compatibility : In some cases, the issue might be specific to certain browsers or devices. Test the slide's behavior on different browsers and devices to identify any compatibility issues. If the issue persists on specific platforms, you may need to optimize the slide or explore alternative solutions.

  7. Review published site settings : Finally, double-check the settings of your published site. Ensure that any external code, such as custom JavaScript, does not interfere with the slide's autoplay or transition settings.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to identify and resolve the reasons behind your slide not auto-playing or moving too fast. Remember to preview the changes during the design process and thoroughly test the slide component before publishing your site to ensure a seamless user experience.

Additional Questions:

  1. Why is my Webflow slide not animating automatically?
  2. How can I adjust the speed of Webflow slides on my published site?
  3. What can cause a slide to move too quickly on a Webflow website?