What does the little green icon that appears when I click on the _______ in Webflow indicate? Is it a bug or does it signify something else?

Published on
September 22, 2023

The little green icon that appears when you click on an element in Webflow indicates that the element has a CSS class applied to it. It is not a bug, but rather a signal that the element has been styled using custom CSS properties.

The green icon serves as a visual indicator to help you quickly identify which elements on the page have custom styling. This can be especially useful when you are working with complex designs or multiple elements with similar styles.

When you apply a CSS class to an element in Webflow, you are able to define custom styles for that element using the Designer or the Custom Code section. This enables you to create unique visual effects, adjust positioning, apply animations, and more.

Having the green icon appear on an element also makes it easier to manage and update styles throughout your project. You can navigate to the Styles Manager to view all the CSS classes that have been applied and make changes as needed. This ensures consistency and efficiency in your web design workflow.

In conclusion, the little green icon that appears when you click on an element in Webflow signifies that the element has a CSS class applied to it. It is not a bug, but rather a helpful visual indicator to identify elements with custom styling.

Additional Questions:

  1. How do I apply a CSS class to an element in Webflow?
  2. Can I remove the green icon from an element in Webflow?
  3. Are there any other colored icons in Webflow that have specific meanings?