What does the list of woff2 font files with strange names indicate in the Lighthouse performance report for the Webflow site?

Published on
September 22, 2023

The list of woff2 font files with strange names in the Lighthouse performance report for a Webflow site indicates potential issues related to font optimization. When fonts are not optimized, they can cause performance issues such as slower load times, higher bandwidth usage, and increased page weight. The strange names of the font files suggest that they may be unnecessary or unused fonts that have been included in the site's code.

Here are a few possible reasons why you might see a list of woff2 font files with strange names in the Lighthouse performance report:

  1. Unused and unnecessary fonts : The files with strange names may be fonts that are not actually used on the website. Including unused fonts in the code adds unnecessary weight and slows down the loading of the page.

  2. Duplicate fonts : The strange names could also indicate duplicate font files. Multiple copies of the same font can result in redundant network requests and slower loading times.

  3. Wrongly named font files : Sometimes, font files may have incorrect file names due to errors during the font optimization process. These files may not be recognized and utilized properly by the browser, leading to potential performance issues.

To optimize font performance and address the issues highlighted in the Lighthouse report, follow these potential solutions:

  • Identify and remove unused fonts : Review your website's font usage and remove any fonts that are not required. This will reduce the overall page weight and improve loading times.

  • Ensure correct implementation : Make sure that the font files on your website have the correct file names and are properly defined in your CSS or HTML code. Verify that the specified font URLs match the actual file names and locations.

  • Consolidate and minimize fonts : If you have multiple font files that serve the same purpose, consolidate them into a single file. This will reduce the number of network requests and improve page load times.

  • Utilize font subsets : If you are using a font that offers different subsets (e.g., Latin, Cyrillic, etc.), choose only the subsets that are necessary for your website. By including only the required subsets, you can reduce the size of the font files and improve performance.

By addressing these font optimizations, you can enhance the performance of your Webflow site and improve its overall loading speed.

Additional Questions:

  1. Why is font optimization important for website performance?
  2. How can I analyze the performance of my Webflow site?
  3. What are some other ways to improve website performance in Webflow?