What could be causing our meta descriptions to not display in Google search even after submitting an XML sitemap?

Published on
September 22, 2023

If your meta descriptions are not displaying in Google search even after submitting an XML sitemap, there could be a few potential causes. Here are some possible reasons and solutions:

  1. Incorrect meta tag implementation: Double-check that you have correctly added the meta description tag to your web pages. Ensure that the tag is placed within the <head> section of your HTML. The meta description tag should be in the following format: <meta name="description" content="Your meta description here"> . Also, make sure that you haven't accidentally set the meta description to be empty or too short.

  2. Google algorithm determination: Google has an algorithm that determines whether or not to display the meta description you have provided. It may choose to display a snippet of content from your page that it deems more relevant and informative. While you can influence the chances of your meta description being displayed by making it compelling and descriptive, you cannot control it entirely.

  3. Duplicate or non-unique meta descriptions: If multiple pages on your website have identical meta descriptions, Google may only display one of them or choose to use content it deems more relevant. Make sure each page on your website has a unique meta description that accurately summarizes the page's content.

  4. Outdated or cached version of the page: If you recently made changes to your meta descriptions after submitting an XML sitemap, it may take some time for Google to crawl and index your updated pages. Additionally, Google may still show a cached version of your page with the old meta description until it recrawls your site. You can use the "Fetch as Google" tool in Google Search Console to request a recrawl of your pages.

  5. Other factors impacting search results: It's important to note that meta descriptions are just one aspect of how Google presents search results. Google may dynamically generate snippets based on the query, the content of the page, and user context. Also, keep in mind that Google occasionally tests different formats and lengths for meta descriptions, so they may not always appear as you have designed them.

To enhance the chances of your meta descriptions appearing in Google search results, it's important to:

  • Create unique, compelling, and descriptive meta descriptions for each page.
  • Ensure that your meta descriptions accurately summarize the content of the page.
  • Keep the length of your meta descriptions within the recommended range of 50-160 characters.
  • Regularly monitor and update your sitemap to ensure that Google has the most up-to-date information about your pages.

Additional questions:

  1. How long does it take for Google to update meta descriptions after changes have been made?
  2. Are meta descriptions a direct ranking factor for SEO?
  3. Should I include keywords in my meta descriptions to improve search rankings?