In Webflow, where do I put the CSS, HTML, and JS code for a countdown timer if I am using Webflow as a host?

Published on
September 22, 2023

To add custom code, including CSS, HTML, and JS, for a countdown timer in Webflow, you can leverage the custom code embed functionality. Here's how you can add and manage your code:

  1. Access the Designer: Log in to your Webflow account and navigate to your project's dashboard. Click on the project you want to work on, and then click the "Designer" button.

  2. Create a new page: If you want to add the countdown timer to a specific page, create a new page or go to an existing one by clicking the "Pages" panel on the left sidebar and selecting the desired page.

  3. Add an HTML embed: Drag an HTML embed component from the left sidebar and drop it to the desired location on the page canvas. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + E" to quickly add an HTML embed.

  4. Customize the HTML embed: Double-click on the newly added HTML embed component to open the embed settings. In the embed code editor, paste your HTML code for the countdown timer. You can also use inline CSS styles or internal/external CSS files linked within the HTML code.

  5. Add custom code for JS: To include JS code for the countdown timer, you can either add it directly within the HTML embed or create a separate HTML embed for your JS code. Webflow allows you to include JavaScript code, and if you decide to create a separate embed, place the JS embed below the HTML embed for proper execution order.

  6. Apply code to other pages: If you want to display the countdown timer on multiple pages, you can copy the HTML embed component from the current page and paste it onto other pages using the "Paste Style" option (Ctrl/Cmd + Alt + V) to retain the code and styling.

  7. Publish and preview: Once you have added your custom code for the countdown timer, click the "Publish" button in the upper-right corner to make your changes live. You can then preview the countdown timer on your published website.

By following these steps, you can easily integrate a countdown timer into your Webflow website using custom CSS, HTML, and JS code.

Additional Questions:

  1. How do I add custom code to a specific section in Webflow?
  2. Can I use custom code to modify the meta tags in Webflow?
  3. What options does Webflow provide for managing and implementing custom scripts?