Can I host my website on Webflow while keeping my email address hosted elsewhere, such as Bluehost, and avoid paying two hosting fees? Are there any examples of someone who has done this successfully?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Yes, you can host your website on Webflow while keeping your email address hosted elsewhere, such as Bluehost. By following the steps below, you can avoid paying two hosting fees:

  1. Set up your domain on Webflow:
  • Log in to your Webflow account and go to the Project Settings of your website.
  • Under the Hosting tab, click on "Add Custom Domain" and follow the instructions to add your domain.
  • Webflow will provide you with the necessary DNS records to set up on your domain registrar or DNS provider.
  1. Configure your email hosting separately:
  • Log in to your email hosting provider (e.g., Bluehost) and access your DNS settings.
  • Add the necessary DNS records provided by your email hosting provider.
  1. Configure your MX records:
  • Log in to your website's DNS provider (this could be Bluehost or any other domain registrar) and access your DNS settings.
  • Delete any existing MX records related to email hosting.
  • Add the MX records provided by your email hosting provider.
  • Make sure you enter the correct priority for each MX record.
  1. Verify email routing:
  • After adding the MX records, you may need to wait for the DNS changes to propagate.
  • To confirm that your email is being routed correctly, send a test email to your email address and check if it is received in your email hosting account.

Examples of successful implementation of separate website and email hosting are common. Many individuals and businesses choose to host their website on Webflow for its design and development capabilities while managing their email hosting through a dedicated email service like G Suite, Office 365, or a separate hosting provider like Bluehost. This setup allows for efficient management of both website and email without incurring additional hosting fees.

In summary, you can host your website on Webflow while keeping your email hosting elsewhere, such as Bluehost. By properly configuring your DNS settings, you can avoid paying two hosting fees and have separate providers for your website and email hosting needs.

Additional Questions:

  1. How can I set up my domain on Webflow?
  2. What are MX records and how do I add them to my DNS settings?
  3. What are the benefits of using separate web and email hosting providers?