Have you encountered any similar issues or is this a known bug in Webflow regarding validation errors in CMS Collections that display "Unknown File Name" in the editor even though the file name is correct and there are no validation errors in the CMS collection?

Published on
September 23, 2023

This issue with validation errors in CMS Collections displaying "Unknown File Name" in the Webflow editor, despite the correct file name and no apparent validation errors, is a known bug in Webflow. Although it can be frustrating, there are a few things you can try to resolve or work around this issue:

  1. Clear your browser cache: Sometimes, caching issues can cause strange behavior within the Webflow editor. Clearing your browser cache can help resolve such issues. To do this, go to your browser settings, find the "Clear browsing data" or "Clear cache" option, and clear your cache.

  2. Refresh the page: In some cases, simply refreshing the page can resolve the validation errors and display the correct file name. Press Ctrl + R or Cmd + R to refresh the page in your browser.

  3. Check for valid file name characters: Ensure that the file name for the CMS collection item does not contain any special characters or symbols that may cause validation errors. Stick to alphanumeric characters and hyphens or underscores if necessary.

  4. Create a dummy field and delete it: This workaround sometimes helps in resolving validation errors. Add a new field to the CMS collection temporarily, save the changes, and then delete the newly created field. This process can trigger a refresh of the collection and resolve the validation error.

  5. Contact Webflow support: If none of the above steps work, it's best to get in touch with Webflow support. They have a dedicated support team who can further investigate the issue and provide a solution or update on the bug status.

Remember, while waiting for a fix, you can continue working on your project and publishing it without any issues. The "Unknown File Name" error only appears in the Webflow editor and does not affect the live site.

Summary: While the "Unknown File Name" validation error is a known issue in Webflow, there are several steps you can take to try and resolve the issue. Clearing your browser cache, refreshing the page, checking for valid file name characters, creating and deleting a dummy field, or reaching out to Webflow support can be viable solutions to this problem.

Additional questions:

  1. How do I clear my browser cache in Webflow?
  2. Can special characters in file names cause validation errors in Webflow CMS Collections?
  3. How can I contact Webflow support regarding validation errors in CMS Collections?