In Webflow, can I set fallback fonts for Google fonts to ensure accessibility in regions where Google Fonts may not be available?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Yes, in Webflow, you can set fallback fonts for Google fonts to ensure accessibility in regions where Google Fonts may not be available. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Select the element for which you want to set the font.
  2. In the Styles panel, click on the typography dropdown (Aa).
  3. In the typography dropdown, you'll see the Google Fonts option. Click on the "+" icon next to it.
  4. In the Google Fonts dropdown, you can choose the font you want to use. Webflow will automatically add the necessary code to incorporate the font into your site.
  5. To set fallback fonts, click on the ellipsis (three dots) icon next to the font name in the Google Fonts dropdown.

Note: It is generally recommended to choose fallback fonts that are similar in style and characteristics to the Google font you selected. This ensures a consistent look and feel across different browsers and platforms.

  1. In the dropdown that appears, you can select from a list of popular system fonts or choose "Custom" to enter your preferred font.
  2. If you choose a system font, Webflow will automatically add the appropriate CSS code for fallback rendering.
  3. If you select "Custom", you can enter the name of the font in the text field. Webflow will also add the necessary CSS code for fallback rendering.

By setting fallback fonts, you can enhance the accessibility of your website by ensuring that it remains readable even if the Google font you selected is not available in certain regions or for certain users.

By following these steps, you can set fallback fonts for Google fonts in Webflow and ensure that your website remains accessible and visually consistent across various platforms and browsers.

Additionally, make sure to preview your website and test it on different devices and browsers to ensure that the fallback fonts are being rendered correctly.

Additional Questions:

  1. How do I choose the right fallback font for a Google font in Webflow?
  2. Can I use multiple fallback fonts in Webflow?
  3. Are there any performance considerations when using Google fonts with fallback fonts in Webflow?