In Webflow, what is a suitable place to store a script file that exceeds the custom code character count, and how can I refer to it in my website design?

Published on
September 22, 2023

In Webflow, if you have a script file that exceeds the character count limit for custom code, you can store it in a third-party script hosting service or use a Content Delivery Network (CDN). These options allow you to keep your script separate from your Webflow project, ensuring that it doesn't exceed the custom code character limit and impacting the performance of your website.

To refer to the script file in your website design, you can follow these steps:

  1. Upload the script file to a third-party script hosting service or a CDN. Some popular options include GitHub, CodePen, or a cloud storage service like Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage.
  2. Once your script file is uploaded, obtain the file's public URL. This URL will be used to reference the script in your Webflow project.
  3. In your Webflow project, open the page or template where you want to include the script file.
  4. Drag and drop an HTML Embed element onto the page or template from the Add Panel.
  5. Open the code editor of the HTML Embed element by double-clicking on it.
  6. Inside the code editor, add the <script> tag and use the src attribute to specify the URL of the script file. It should look like this:
    <script src="[YOUR_SCRIPT_URL]"></script>
    Replace [YOUR_SCRIPT_URL] with the URL of your script file.
  7. Customize any additional script configuration or variables as needed within the <script> tag.
  8. Save and publish your Webflow project to see the script file successfully included on your website.

By storing the script file externally and using a CDN or third-party hosting service, you ensure that your Webflow project remains within the custom code character limit and maintains optimal performance. Additionally, this method allows you to update the script file separately without needing to republish your Webflow project.

Additional Questions:

  1. How do I check the custom code character count in Webflow?
  2. What are the advantages of using a CDN for hosting script files?
  3. Can I upload and reference multiple script files in Webflow?