For my Webflow form, how can I check if the entered value in a text field is a valid URL?

Published on
September 22, 2023

To check if the entered value in a text field is a valid URL in Webflow, you can use custom code and JavaScript. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Open your Webflow project and navigate to the page where your form is located.
  2. Select the text field where you want to validate the URL entry.
  3. In the right-hand sidebar, under the "Element Settings" tab, click on the "Attributes" section.
  4. Add a new attribute with the name "pattern" and set its value to "^https?://[\w-]+(.[\w-]+)+(/[\w-./?%&=]*)?$". This regular expression pattern checks if the input matches a valid URL format.
  5. Save the changes to your element.

Now, when a user enters a value in the text field, Webflow will automatically check if it matches the specified URL pattern. If the user enters an invalid URL, an error message will be displayed.

It's important to note that this validation is done on the client-side only, meaning it will only check for valid URL formats before the form is submitted. For more secure validation, you should also perform server-side validation using additional coding on your server.

Additionally, you can customize the error message that appears when an invalid URL is entered by using JavaScript. Here's an example of how to do this:

  1. Add a new script tag to the head section of your Webflow project.
  2. Use the document.querySelector() method to select the text field element based on its class or ID.
  3. Attach an event listener to the text field's "input" event.
  4. Inside the event listener function, use the pattern validity property to check if the entered URL is valid.
  5. If the URL is invalid, update the text field's validationMessage property with your custom error message.
<script>  document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {    const textField = document.querySelector('.your-text-field-class-or-id');        textField.addEventListener('input', function() {      if (!textField.validity.patternMismatch) {        textField.setCustomValidity('');      } else {        textField.setCustomValidity('Please enter a valid URL');      }    });  });</script>

By following these steps, you can create a Webflow form that checks if the entered value in a text field is a valid URL format.

Additional Questions:

  1. How do I validate an email address in a Webflow form?
  2. Can I create custom form validation messages in Webflow?
  3. Is it possible to use Webflow's built-in form validation without using custom code?