Do you have any advice or tutorials on how to create a functioning contact form in Webflow's design mode like Bartek's?

Published on
September 22, 2023

How to Create a Functioning Contact Form in Webflow's Design Mode

Creating a functioning contact form in Webflow's Design Mode can be done by following these steps:

  1. Designing the Contact Form
  • Start by designing the visual aspects of your contact form using Webflow's Designer. You can use form elements like text fields, checkboxes, dropdowns, and buttons to create the form.
  • Place the form elements in the desired positions on your page. Use Webflow's styling options to customize the appearance of the form elements to match your overall website design.
  1. Adding Form Fields
  • To add form fields to your contact form, drag and drop the necessary form elements from the Elements Panel onto your page.
  • Double-click on each form field to edit its properties, such as field type, validation, and required status.
  1. Setting Up Form Submission
  • Select the form element on your page and go to the Property Panel.
  • Under the Form Settings section, click on the "Open Form Settings" button.
  • In the Form Settings modal, enter the desired action URL, which is the URL where your form data will be submitted. This can be a Webflow form submission URL or a third-party form handling service URL.
  • Choose the appropriate method for form submission, either GET or POST. Most commonly, POST is used for sensitive data like passwords or personal information.
  • Optionally, you can enable reCAPTCHA by entering your site key and secret key to prevent spam submissions.
  1. Customizing Form Notifications
  • Form notifications allow you to receive email notifications whenever someone submits a form on your website.
  • In the Form Settings modal, scroll down to the "Form Notifications" section.
  • Enter the email address(es) where you want to receive notifications.
  • Customize the email subject and body to match your preferences or add dynamic data from submitted form fields.
  1. Styling and Interaction
  • Use Webflow's styling options to customize the appearance of your contact form further, such as fonts, colors, spacing, and hover effects.
  • You can also add interactions to enhance the user experience, such as form validations, success messages, or error handling.
  1. Testing and Publishing
  • Before publishing your website, it's crucial to thoroughly test your contact form to ensure its functionality.
  • Fill out the form and submit it to see if the form data is being sent to the desired location and if you receive the notifications.
  • Once you're satisfied with the form's functionality, you can publish your website to make the contact form live.

By following these steps, you can create a functioning contact form in Webflow's Design Mode that allows users to submit their information and provides you with the necessary notifications.