Is there any update on the membership feature mentioned at the Webflow update event? Do we have a rough ETA for its launch?

Published on
September 22, 2023

###Webflow Membership Feature Update

During the Webflow update event, the company announced plans to introduce a membership feature. This feature will enable website owners to create gated content and restrict access to certain areas of their site to registered members only. This is particularly useful for websites that want to offer exclusive content, sell digital products or subscription services, or create a community-based platform.

However, as of now, Webflow has not provided a specific launch date for the membership feature. Developing and implementing a major feature like this requires careful planning, testing, and refinement to ensure a seamless user experience. While Webflow has mentioned the membership feature, the exact timeline for its launch has not been disclosed.

Webflow is known for its commitment to providing high-quality, well-tested features, and ensuring they meet the needs of their users. While we don't have a precise ETA at this time, it is likely that Webflow is diligently working on this feature to ensure it meets their standards before releasing it to the public.

To stay updated on any developments or announcements regarding the membership feature, it is recommended to keep an eye on the official Webflow blog, community forums, or subscribe to their newsletter for the latest news and updates.


  • Webflow announced plans to introduce a membership feature during a recent update event.
  • The membership feature will allow website owners to create gated content and restrict access to registered members.
  • A specific launch date for the membership feature has not been provided by Webflow at this time.
  • Webflow is known for ensuring the quality and usability of their features before release.
  • Stay updated on developments through the Webflow blog, community forums, or newsletter.

###Additional Questions:

  1. How will the Webflow membership feature be beneficial for website owners?
  2. Can the membership feature in Webflow be integrated with third-party payment gateways?
  3. Will the membership feature offer customizable registration and login forms?