Has anyone found a solution in Webflow for reducing cumulative layout shift with dynamically sized hero images?

Published on
September 22, 2023

How to reduce cumulative layout shift with dynamically sized hero images in Webflow

Cumulative layout shift (CLS) occurs when web page content shifts unexpectedly as it loads, causing a poor user experience. An issue commonly associated with CLS is the use of dynamically sized hero images. However, there are several solutions you can implement in Webflow to mitigate this problem:

  1. Predefining image dimensions: By specifying the dimensions of your hero images in Webflow, you eliminate the need for the browser to recalculate layout every time the image loads. To do this, you can set the width and height of the image element in Webflow's Designer panel. This way, even if the aspect ratio of the image changes, the space will be reserved beforehand, preventing layout shifts.

  2. Using aspect ratio boxes: Webflow allows you to create aspect ratio boxes by wrapping an image inside a div element. With this technique, you define the width and height of the wrapper div in percentage or pixels, and the image scales accordingly, preserving its aspect ratio. By using aspect ratio boxes, you ensure that the space occupied by the hero image is reserved, significantly reducing CLS.

  3. Lazy loading: Implementing lazy loading for hero images can also help reduce CLS. With lazy loading, images are loaded only when they enter the viewport, minimizing the impact on page layout. In Webflow, you can enable the built-in lazy loading feature by selecting the image element and enabling the "Lazy load" option in the Settings panel.

  4. Preloading resources: Utilizing Webflow's built-in preloading functionality can prevent CLS caused by hero images. By preloading the hero image, you ensure that it's loaded and ready before the user encounters it in the viewport, avoiding any shifting. To enable preloading in Webflow, select the image element, go to the Settings panel, and enable the "Preload" option.

  5. Optimizing image file sizes: Large image file sizes can lead to slower loading times and increased layout shifts. Ensure you optimize your hero images to reduce their file size without negatively impacting their quality. Webflow offers a built-in image optimization feature that automatically reduces file sizes without sacrificing visual fidelity. To optimize an image in Webflow, select the image element, go to the Settings panel, and click on the "Optimize" button.

By implementing these techniques in Webflow, you can effectively reduce cumulative layout shift caused by dynamically sized hero images, resulting in a more seamless and user-friendly browsing experience.

Additional Questions

  1. How can I predefine image dimensions for hero images in Webflow?
  2. What are aspect ratio boxes, and how can they help reduce CLS in Webflow?
  3. How do I enable lazy loading for hero images in Webflow?