Is there a solution for the issue I am facing with my RSS not being recognized on Webflow when applying for Google News?

Published on
September 22, 2023

If you are experiencing issues with your RSS feed not being recognized on Webflow when applying for Google News, there are several potential solutions to consider.

  1. Ensure that your RSS feed is properly formatted: Google News requires a specific format for RSS feeds. Make sure that your feed adheres to the required structure and includes all necessary elements such as the title, description, image, and publication date.

  2. Verify that your RSS feed is accessible: Check that your feed is accessible and open to the public. Sometimes, firewalls, restrictions, or incorrect settings can prevent Google News from accessing the feed. You can use tools like Feed Validator or the W3C validator to check for any issues with your feed.

  3. Update your sitemap: If your RSS feed is not being recognized, it could be due to an outdated sitemap or issues with web crawling. Update your sitemap regularly to ensure that all relevant URLs are included and that they are being properly indexed by search engines.

  4. Test your RSS feed: Use tools like Feedly or RSS readers to test your feed and ensure that it displays the content correctly. This will help you identify any issues with your feed that could be causing the problem with Google News recognition.

  5. Contact Webflow support: If you have tried all the above steps and are still experiencing issues with your RSS feed not being recognized, it may be worth reaching out to Webflow support for assistance. They will be able to provide further guidance and help troubleshoot the problem.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue with your RSS feed not being recognized on Webflow when applying for Google News.

Additional questions:

  1. How can I format my RSS feed to meet Google News requirements on Webflow?
  2. Why is my RSS feed not accessible to Google News on Webflow?
  3. What should I do if updating my sitemap doesn't resolve the issue with my RSS feed not being recognized on Webflow?